userJarryd Campicancel

11,978 Commits over 2,496 Days - 0.20cph!

3 Years Ago
Fixed local space foot IK locations on vehicle seats not being affected by seat rotation
3 Years Ago
Disable respawn screen TMP hack (doesn't seem to be needed anymore?)
3 Years Ago
Added a locker component to the camper
3 Years Ago
Refactored respawn point UI population methods to work better when receiving updates while the respawn screen is already open
3 Years Ago
More UI fixes
3 Years Ago
Support UI states for not being able to spawn at camper
3 Years Ago
More camper module stuff, first pass on respawning
3 Years Ago
Fixed not being able to gesture on the sofa
3 Years Ago
Can now use upper body gestures while swimming (full body gestures are still blocked)
3 Years Ago
Initial camper stuff, item setup, some sleeping bag tests
3 Years Ago
Merge from main
3 Years Ago
3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
Added server convar cinematic.SetBotUnderwear. Takes a bot name and and underwear shortname (eg.swimwear_gradient). Pass 0 as the underwear ID to go back to the regular underwear skin.
3 Years Ago
Merge from main
3 Years Ago
If player is holding Back when they successfully catch a fish backwards movement is now blocked for 1s while the fish is caught. The block is removed if the player releases the back key on their own
3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
Added streaming analytics, can be disabled with ShoutcastStreamer.StreamingAnalytics
3 Years Ago
Merge from main
3 Years Ago
Increased loot panel size of underwater crates (6 -> 12), still uses same loot panel Prevents cases where crate gets assigned > 6 items but it doesn't have the space
3 Years Ago
Use fuelsmall loot panel on diesel engine in excavator (only shows 1 slot and reads "Fuel Storage" rather than "Loot") S2P excavator monument
3 Years Ago
Fixed paddling animation blending issue causing animation snapping when releasing input (affected inner tubes, boogie boards and kayak paddling)
3 Years Ago
Fix exceptions in PlayerModel.Legs, UpdateWaterDrinkingPoint and GetLocalVelocityClient (Potentially modded server issues)
3 Years Ago
Apply fix for not being able to hot swap fishing rod to cassette recorder as it had the same bug
3 Years Ago
Don't allow toggling light sources on held item on/off while gesturing
3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
Don't rotate on an axis if rotation amount is 0
3 Years Ago
Fixed one of the Ch47 map marker rotors not spinning
3 Years Ago
Move fishing bobber with rigidbody force instead of position setting, looks a bit smoother and removes the need for a raycast every frame Still needs some testing, might be better for next month
3 Years Ago
Moved fishing process to a budgeted update Has a higher budget threshold since any time gating that happens will affect input, but the performance gains from moving it to ServerMgr inside the physics sync should make up for it
3 Years Ago
Potential fix for GetWorldSpaceLineRendererStartPoint NRE (seems pretty rare)
3 Years Ago
Added combatlog_outgoing convar, identical to combatlog convar but only shows outgoing damage of a player
3 Years Ago
Fixed console not properly scrolling through all of it's lines (used to only get to about 250 lines even though 500 was kept in the buffer, you can now see the entire buffer)
3 Years Ago
Fixed incorrect log message if there's a junkpile buoyancy error
3 Years Ago
Added global.usersinrange admin convar (identical to sleepingusersinrange but for non-sleepers)
3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
Fixed not being able to hot swap fishing rod (will only work on fishing rods created after this commit, had to modify the item container settings)
3 Years Ago
Changing water quality via UI bypasses time cooldown
3 Years Ago
Can use LMB as well as S to reel in fish
3 Years Ago
Potential fix for eyes being in the wrong position (no repro so can't say for sure)
3 Years Ago
Fixed batteries not showing batter specific information in crafting menu
3 Years Ago
Can no longer hold A and D while reeling in at the same time, only one input direction will be accepted at a time Line will now snap if player moves too far from their starting position when they threw out the lure
3 Years Ago
Fixed strain not updating correctly if player is reeling in and pulling in a direction while the fish is pulling left/right and back at the same time
3 Years Ago
Added slight randomisation to underwater drag of gibs
3 Years Ago
Added global.underwater_cinematic convar that keeps select particle systems and screen effects enabled but disables others for underwater footage capture
3 Years Ago
Fixed a case where the fishing rod viewmodel could end up in a weird state if player let go of RMB at the exact same time as pressing LMB to cast the lure
3 Years Ago
Disabled the static sfx on the static speaker variant (affects cargo ship and lab speakers)
3 Years Ago
Updated small fish descriptions Tweaked physics settings on bobber to bounce less when first cast