116,372 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.22cph!
Unified EnvironmentVolume, TerrainCollisionTrigger and WaterVisibilityTrigger (should be fully backwards compatible)
Tires stacks models/LODs/COLs/Prefabs and textures
Harbor_1 backup
Portacabin progress. Added wooden variants
backup harbor_1
concrete kerb trims and prefabs for grounds
Fixed workshop not being able to import some v2 items
If workshop can't load legacy item, open the directory for manual conversion
Enabled caves
Tweaked coastline
Changed default world size to 3500
Adjusted heightmap resolution for faster loading times on bigger maps
Disabled far splats for pvt; halved pvt cache memory footprint + nearly twice as fast overall
Fixed black terrain when switching to lower settings (RUST-1452)
Fixed "No texture data available to upload" errors in debug mode
Changed std/blend-layer mask mixing to multiply-add
Charitable Rust 2016 Shirt no longer for sale
Fixed std/blend-layer shader merge errors
Crane mask test for Diogo
Harbor_1 detail dressing and cover pass wip
lightpost_b prefab (without ladder)
Fixed errors if more than 400 items in steam inventory
vm water bottle anim update
mesh tweak to stop seeing through neck of bottle
Lightpost_a Models/LODs
Added ladder to lightpost_a, removed previous bespoke ladder prefab
Adding final light fixtures - Models/LODs/COLs/Prefabs and textures
Fixed occasional vegetation reverse shadow proj showing up on walls when using flashlight in darkness
Merged back fixed version of
m429 changes: made the rear sight larger so ADS has a better sight picture, fixed some bugs on the worldmodel
Consoles hate linq.. fuck this shit
Added batching to non-moving parts of shop fronts
Fixed building parts occasionally not disabling after being batched (causing draw call performance issues)
Trimmed steam specific stuff
Forced sign shader recompile
Fixed fantastic graphics preset having fucked up shadow cascade settings
Fixed a bunch of items not being for sale
Fixed legacy LODGroup on code locks not disabling when pooled
Fixed Racing Stripes Chest Plate not being for sale