31,177 Commits over 3,928 Days - 0.33cph!
Fixed a floating box spawner Jakob found.
Made rock_formation_small read/writable, since a lower LOD mesh inside of it is sometimes used as a colmesh where the dedicated _COL was too inaccurate.
Reinforced fix for gliff gap #16
Hotfixed newly discovered cliff gap #25.
Cherry picking "Tools/Update Loot Tables" NRE edge case fixes
merge from furnace_ui_rework
merge from save_228 - fixes
Show demo info on the loading screen when loading a demo
Revert cactus 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 and reapplied BoundsCheck component
Override ToString in the TimeSince classes. This makes the actual elapsed time show in a debug log automatically (even without a .ToString()), without having to cast it to float.
Merge from async_loading_3
Fixed screen shakes not applying while first person spectating in a demo
Added missing ladder volumes to the loot wagon
Removed extra TrainWagonA ladder volumes
Moved all train car ladder volumes under the Shared GameObject
Merge from zipline_trees (trees should no longer spawn in places that will block ziplines)
If the Place Monument component has no monument assigned, don't try to place it.
Fixed Jump and Duck buttons not working in demos to switch between first person spectate targets
Fixed some cases where the body mesh could remain visible when switching between players in a demo while spectating
Fixed some crosshair issues when switching between players in a demo while spectating
Merge PerentVelocityInherit -> Main. Train wagons now support parented vehicles correctly, and velocity is correctly retained.
Disable vehicle parenting on workcarts and locomotive (already disabled on wagons). We shouldn't really have this enabled unless we can get physics velocity to translate properly when entering/leaving the parenting zone.
Fixed train collision triggers getting the wrong base entity if an entity with a rigidbody entered the collision trigger while parented to the train car.
Tell cars not to sleep if they're parented to another rigidbody. Mainly because Unity doesn't seem to allow it anyway (even if the parent rigidbody is asleep)
merge from brain_refactor2
Added repel + damage triggers to locomotive and wagons, and re-enabled it for the workcart (was disabled in
59352 due to a bug).
No longer need to add potential player death sources to the master list on the Death Screen prefab, added a "shownOnDeathScreen" toggle on the PrefabInformation and the list is generated at runtime
Enabled the new toggle on all prefabs that were in that list
Merge TrainWorkContinued -> Main
Fixed getting hit by trains sometimes parenting the player instead of damaging them
Merge from content_reporting
Copy libsqlite3.so to libsqlite3.so.0 during Linux server builds because Unity dllmaps it to that for some reason
Merge TrainWorkContinued -> Main
Merge from single_pickup_notice
Merge from modding_prefabs
merge from hapis_conversion (multiple bug fixes)
Subtracting brain_refactor - unstable, highly impacting server instability
merge from combatlog_improvement
merge from socket_area_fix
Merge TrainWorkContinued -> Main (general bug fixes)
merge from brain_refactor
Fixed admin UGC browser delete button not working