31,251 Commits over 3,959 Days - 0.33cph!
Fixed memory leak in SellOrderEntry (vending machine UI)
Potentially fixed bandana crafting issues
Fixed banned user check being slow with 20,000 banned users
Don't do anything when calling del without arguments
Testing something to fix "crash on exit"
Added simple collider to wind generator so it can be removed by admins using ent kill
Prefab pre processing no longer deletes parents of culled game objects (fixes open server side doors on some monuments)
Attempt at Scientist LOS fix.
Whoops, physics.minsteps fix
Better client side lower limit for physics.steps and physics.minsteps
potential fix for report cheat web browser opening when typing in chat
fireball arrows slow movement
Fixed scientist burst shooting.
building blocked zone around crash site halved
autoturrets lose health when picked up
Report/Feedback fix (fingers crossed)
Fixed debug build on staging app
Fixed shopping cart link not working
Feedback fixes, warnings when it goes wrong
Fixed NRE when killed without HitInfo
Fixed NRE in voice recorder
Eliminated GC alloc from voice recorder
Fixed Jeffreys Hapis hole
Junkpile despawn time is constant (since it was identical on all prefabs anyhow)
Junkpile despawn time is now 30 minutes (from 20 minutes)
Removed unnecessary mipmap refresh from skin texture loading
Added detailed profiling to AsyncTextureLoad
Broken icon import settings are identical to cooking, fire and loading icon import settings
Skins have OnLoaded and OnIconLoaded callbacks
Added OnItemIconChanged event to item icons
Show loading indicator on item icons while they're still loading
Refresh item icons when their skinned icon finished loading
Tweaked human navmesh settings to generate better navmesh.
Fixed material artifact on hazmat suit
Improved glass on hazmat suit
Increased size of prevent building volumes in military tunnels
Fixed geometry gap in military tunnels
AI Fake UserId's are all under 10000000
Fixed AI showing up in cheat report
Fixed suicide showing cheat report button
combatlog no longer takes count parameter (always prints full combat log)
combatlogsize defaults to 30
EAC SDK update + PlayerKill reporting
If scientists are disabled, don't bake monument navmeshes.
Force profiling when calling invokes because we keep adding slow shit to it that's not wrapped in profiler samples
Added slight delay between acquiring a target the first time and firing for Scientists.
Improved ai robustness a bit.
can rotate workbenches with R during deployable phase