31,244 Commits over 3,959 Days - 0.33cph!
Forcing target 3.0 on TAA's CopyStd.shader
Fixed male facial hair 2 not replacing both materials
Forcing project settings update/reset
Fixed post process stack v2 modifying player defines
crossbow/bow no longer have stance recoil
skin approval
Temporal AA now default (convar reset)
Player preview now uses temporal AA
added correct materials to male_facial_hairstyle_02 material swapper
prefab error fix for hammer & rock vm
Upgraded temporal anti-aliasing to PostProcessStackV2
old benches can now experiment
nre fix
Fixed material order and made chin geometry look better on facial hair styles 1 and 2, made pubic hair caps look better on non tssaa, tweaked hair strands material and male and female hair styles 2 to look better non tssaa.
Fixed morph cache not dirtying on setup
Fixed male eyebrows on female
Renamed deformHair flags to reflect actual hat/helmet names
Added male facial hair 02
Navmesh Link transition improvements and other misc AI tweaks.
added experimentation to workbenches
can use blueprint if in storage container
oil refinery cheaper
searchlight cheaper
medkit cheaper
miner hat cheaper
chainlink cheaper
prison cheaper
double metal cheaper
arrow default
grill cheaper
nailgun no longer damages wood structures
nailgun nails stay in world and are retrievable
tweaked a bunch of 3rd person player animations ( shoulders / elbows look more natural )
▇▉▌▋ ▉▋▍▅ █▇▄ ▉▆▅▆ ▇▄ █▆▅▍▊▍
Fixed server compilation
Updated manifest
Item description updates and fixes
Sulfur collectable layer fix
Wood collectable layer fix
Fixed culling edge case + extra debugging
Double shotgun worldmodel update, material settings changed
updated the nailgun prefab with Tom's LOD models
viewmodel skinning update for SAR & Eoka
Fixed culling in glcore
Fixed dark viewport in glcore / all platforms
Fixed compilation warnings
Merge from culling-noprepass (everything's occluder now)
Flame turret can no longer be locked (bug fix)
Attempt at fixing potato mode snow-related shenanigans
Fixed agressive water flicker in planar terrain when TSSAA is enabled
Minor water tweaks + downscaled caustics textures
Slightly tweaked icesheet coliders to fix feet not touching the ground
removed halloween sounds.. I think
disabled scarecrow/skull pit purchasing :(
skin approval
nailgun nails are slightly more expensive
World Serialization++
Iceberg/icesheet scene2prefab