
31,135 Commits over 3,897 Days - 0.33cph!

40 Days Ago
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40 Days Ago
merge from december24_art_fixes
44 Days Ago
Merge: from profiling_improvements - This brings ServerProfiler over, our own tool to generate server profiling snapshots - To activate, start your server with "-enableProfiler", to take a snapshot use admin server command profile.perfsnapshot (files in <root>/server/<ident>/profiler/) Tests: Exported multiple snapshots from Editor running Craggy, Release server running 6k Procgen world and a couple from Debug server.
44 Days Ago
merge from Twitch_Rivals_24
47 Days Ago
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47 Days Ago
merge from 107278 cctvgib_fix
47 Days Ago
cherrypicking 107578 Reduce wolf population and pack size to 3, until we find a way to make DensityPopulation spawn packs without having to increase the density
47 Days Ago
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47 Days Ago
merge from brzonevis
47 Days Ago
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50 Days Ago
merge from ai_wolf_iteration
50 Days Ago
merge from frankenstein_shelterraid_fix
50 Days Ago
merge from gesture_menu_nre_fix
50 Days Ago
merge from rps_disconnect_fix
50 Days Ago
merge from gesturepack
50 Days Ago
merge from ai_wolf_iteration
50 Days Ago
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51 Days Ago
Possible gesture pack fix. Added meta name and rebuilt manifest.
51 Days Ago
merge from 107427 fix_community_ui_nre
51 Days Ago
Merge from store-ui-gestures-pack
52 Days Ago
52 Days Ago
Fixed SKS description using the SAR token
52 Days Ago
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52 Days Ago
Merge from silo_cam_fix
52 Days Ago
subtracting 107340
52 Days Ago
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52 Days Ago
merge from reenabled_kayak_flow_speed
52 Days Ago
merge from qol_io_arrows -> main
52 Days Ago
Merge from cine_anims
52 Days Ago
Merge from fix_community_ui_nre -> main
52 Days Ago
Merge from cine_entities
52 Days Ago
Merge from gesturepack
52 Days Ago
updated t1 smg name lowered max ammo capacity of Handmade SMG
52 Days Ago
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52 Days Ago
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53 Days Ago
More checks to small rock formations Increased radiuses on all small rock formation checks
53 Days Ago
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53 Days Ago
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53 Days Ago
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53 Days Ago
S2P cave_small_hard & cave_medium_hard - resolves oversized rock
53 Days Ago
merge from save_260
53 Days Ago
Merge from gesturepack
53 Days Ago
merge from qol_io_arrows -> main
53 Days Ago
Merge from qol_io_arrows -> main
53 Days Ago
Fixed new rocks not being included in the water treatment plant and sewer branch HLOD meshes S2P both
53 Days Ago
Merge from gesturepack
53 Days Ago
merge from LargeBackpack_WorkshopFixes - all submitted backpack skins will need to be tweaked and reuploaded.
54 Days Ago
sks and t1 smg - 3p mag dropping now working
54 Days Ago
disable Halloween Dungeon spawns
54 Days Ago
sks viewmodel - reduce rotation sway to fix arms clipping camera