
31,134 Commits over 3,897 Days - 0.33cph!

32 Days Ago
Merge from launcher reload bug
32 Days Ago
Merge from shred_helicopters (also includes the changed ignore.conf file that seems to keep changing)
32 Days Ago
Merge from hab_hominglauncher
32 Days Ago
Merge from ai_wolf_iteration
32 Days Ago
merge from fix_teleport2grid_foundations -> main
32 Days Ago
Try fixing compile error from junkpile despawn
32 Days Ago
merge from qol_junkpile_despawn -> main
32 Days Ago
Merge: from VendingMachinePooling Fixes a minor bug that caused Vending Machine's protobuf pool to inflate Tests: spawned a vending machine on craggy, saved, loaded craggy again - marker was present. Monitored pooling stats - seemed normal.
32 Days Ago
Merge from admin_invis_command
32 Days Ago
merge from wire_slack_fix
32 Days Ago
Merge from ai_wolf_iteration
32 Days Ago
Restored monument marker font
32 Days Ago
32 Days Ago
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32 Days Ago
▅▋▉▉▅ ▅▄▉█ ▄▊▉▊▅█_▉▄▄▋▆█▆▆▇_▅▌▄█▌▄▅▊▅▉▆
32 Days Ago
removed old dev dpvold prefab (unused)
32 Days Ago
subtracting 108209
32 Days Ago
Subtract 108215
33 Days Ago
Merge from shred_helicopters
33 Days Ago
Merge from cinematic_gestures
33 Days Ago
Include System reference, fixes compile error
33 Days Ago
merge from queue_improvements
33 Days Ago
merge from analytics_rcon_improvements
33 Days Ago
merge from analytics_identity_mgmt
33 Days Ago
Mere from peacekeeper_turret_hostile_warning_ui
34 Days Ago
merge from qol_variable_zoom_scope -> main
34 Days Ago
merge from qol_variable_zoom_scope -> main
34 Days Ago
merge from qol_dropbox_new_slots -> main
35 Days Ago
Merge from discofloor_rotation
35 Days Ago
merge from ocean-edges-issue
35 Days Ago
Fixed item radioactivity NRE when loading a save with item that doesn't exist (happen a lot when switching in between aux2 and main using the same save)
35 Days Ago
workcart_box_fix -> main
35 Days Ago
Merge from ai_wolf_iteration
35 Days Ago
Safer TrainCar OnChildAdded behaviour Manifest
35 Days Ago
Merge from oxygen_qol_tweaks
35 Days Ago
Fix exception from foliage tutorial change when entering play mode in the editor
35 Days Ago
Merge from ore_resource_optimisations
36 Days Ago
Merge from december24_art_fixes
36 Days Ago
workcart_box -> main
36 Days Ago
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36 Days Ago
Merge from animator_csv
36 Days Ago
36 Days Ago
merge from analytics_voice_chat -> main
36 Days Ago
36 Days Ago
Added a new localization key for train yard's skip container, to avoid conflicts with 'skip' the verb in other languages
36 Days Ago
Merge from peacekeeper_turret_hostile_warning_ui
36 Days Ago
merge from 2d-flickering-workaround
36 Days Ago
merge from wire_slack_fix
36 Days Ago
Merge: from soundmodulator_leak - Fixed sound leaks from quickswitching scenarios - Fixes wrong loop sound being played when coasting on a pedal bike - Fixing flamethrower not playing sound when quickswitching while holding fire button - Fixing pilot sound not played on taking out a flamethrower - Recycle footsteps when their sounds end, instead of potentially incorrect preset time Tests: played with a lot of weapons and vehicles while monitoring sounds via audio.printsounds and log.level Audio 2
36 Days Ago
Plushy crafting fix