
117,945 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.23cph!

7 Years Ago
Renamed to culling.env, unsaved for now
7 Years Ago
launchsite pipe fix
7 Years Ago
quarry fix
7 Years Ago
sulfur fix again?
7 Years Ago
Fixed upkeep resource numbers being shown incorrectly when reconnecting
7 Years Ago
manifest phrases
7 Years Ago
Oil refinery sound ref fix
7 Years Ago
Added persistance version BP WHIP
7 Years Ago
mining quarry fixes skin approval
7 Years Ago
Secondary cupboards decay if there is more than one cupboard on a building
7 Years Ago
Culling world toggle NRE checks
7 Years Ago
quarry types specialized to different resources (hqm/sulfur/stone+metal)
7 Years Ago
junkyard crate balance
7 Years Ago
bases heal themselves if upkeep conditions are met and have not been attacked for 10min tool cupboard only accepts resources
7 Years Ago
armored base cost reduced to 20hqm instead of 50+stone+wood reduced all ammo crafting times to 3s
7 Years Ago
armored base cost reduced to 20hqm instead of 50+stone+wood
7 Years Ago
Work in progress on AI behaviour.
7 Years Ago
upkeep panel properly displays time left until decay begins tool cupboard has 18 slots
7 Years Ago
Reapply 24349 and fix cocked up sound refs
7 Years Ago
Added soft particle fade support to particles/water drop
7 Years Ago
Subtracting 24349 (deployable sounds)
7 Years Ago
Marked dropped rug and bear rug as dynamic occludees
7 Years Ago
Fixed potential NRE in worldmodel outline
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Added BaseEntity.IsOlderThan Added DecayEntity.GetBuilding
7 Years Ago
Made culling lod selection more conservative to fix edge cases
7 Years Ago
Fixed particle systems being affected by culling
7 Years Ago
Work continues on AI Behaviour.
7 Years Ago
Ice sheets / fixed visual issues at very low graphical settings
7 Years Ago
Northern cliff side road loot spawns (Hapis)
7 Years Ago
WorldSetup tweak
7 Years Ago
Can no longer stack wall frames with 0.5 vertical offset
7 Years Ago
Fixed invisible colider in harbor_1
7 Years Ago
Fixed invisible colider in harbor_1
7 Years Ago
Can no longer connect two buildings if both have a cupboard
7 Years Ago
Stripped P2P stuff Player voice chat is done via the server Network Protocol ++ Added BaseNetworkable.GetConnectionsWithin( vec, float ) (used with SendInfo)
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Some more quarry / survey charge loot table updates
7 Years Ago
Forgot mine crates
7 Years Ago
Removed survey charge from loot table
7 Years Ago
Merged in quarry fixes Network++
7 Years Ago
Hapis quarry tweaks
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
gulp - merge into main
7 Years Ago
rebuilt plugins
7 Years Ago
merge from main
7 Years Ago
majority of upkeep completed
7 Years Ago
Refinery stairs fix (Hapis)
7 Years Ago
Lots of new on/off/ignite/extinguish sounds for deployables Lots of new active/burning loops for deployables Open/close sounds for a few deployables New sounds for searchlight movement
7 Years Ago
Fixed hiz downscale causing some false negatives Added hiz downscale path for odd sized mips Added min velocity to reprojection clip for stability