117,448 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.23cph!
Rocket factory / finished roof dressing / added ladder triggers
Fixed skin tones too dark compared to previous + tweaked spec maps for reduced saturation
Fixed player preview transparency
Rocket factory cover placement
rocket crane lift animations, prefab, controller
Fixed lantern glass refract shader
Fixed icon render skin shading
Changed skin materials default tint to not albino
Fixed light intensities for prefabs: neutral dungeon lighting, ceiling light, search light, light barrel station
Fixed night light intensity
Fixed caustics at night
Fixed flashlight intensities to match new scale
pushing the gun trap prefab guide update
Ajusted LightEx intensity to match new brdf scale to fix low intensity torch, campfire, etc
Make sure the wrap lighting fallback only runs on subsurface profiles
Fixed icon rendering
Nuked deprecated keyword in rust.global
Added light intensity scale callback param to CaptureScreenshot
player preview thirsty anim
gun trap guide scaled at 75% (PLEASE EXPORT YOUR FBXS WITH SCALE AT 100% NEXT TIME)
updated prefab guide path
skin approval
fixed new roadsign model textures
guide model for the single shot trap (untested, will test in a couple hours)
can change item skins at repair bench
Dynamic branch compiler hint for brdf selection on deferred shader
Now checking console vars on deferred extension to affect all instances
Added half-assed skin fallback for SSS is disabled
Replaced graphics.postsss convar with SSS.enabled + other controls
SSS properly disables and skips fullscreen passes now
SSS now uses low quality sampling by default
shotgun trap takes +1 gear
shotgun trap loses 50% health on pickup