116,408 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.22cph!
Tedious resource prefab updates, fixing some minor issues in the process
merge from main/riversound
bleeding *actually* stops when you are wounded now
beartrap more likely to wound
Furnace provides comfort
Fixed bug where a tool cupboard placed too close to a wall would prevent other blocks from being placed closeby
Dead players provide no comfort
Sleeping players add half comfort
Never wound while sleeping
bleeding stops when wounded
Removed default normal alignment and rotation randomization from clutter scripts
Updated clutter prefabs (need to align to normal via decor components now)
quick commit of this morning's work
Roadside / riverside tweak
Tweaked path side placement
Refactored ProceduralComponent system to use two passes (pre pass and final pass)
Increased river vertex count
Generate river mesh in procedural final pass
Apply terrain modifiers, terrain anchors and decor components before instantiating the prefab
Removed some hacky code that's no longer required from the decor and monument placement scripts
Grass placement rule tweak
Added Ionic.Zip dependancies
Tweaked sand splat mapping
Made forests in the temperate and arctic biomes bigger
Tweaked micro cliff placement
Ported new overhang assets to the procedural map
Ported the new cliff assets to the procedural map
Fixed that the terrain raycasting step would override some snow
Tweaked some terrain raycasting parameters
Allowed grass to grow on top of caves
Fixed mountain prefab
Fixed reporting the same crash twice
Removed noise from alpha setter
Cleaned up some code
Exposed some alignment options in all procedural placement scripts
Fixed an issue where terrain anchors would reject suitable positions
Added micro cliffs (no reason to feel bad, cliffs - I've been told size doesn't matter)
Align swimming decor to world up vector
More cleanup, object layer adjustments (static rocks that should receive grass are now on terrain layer)
Porting over a shitton of new assets to the procedural map
Cleaning up some shit
Decal shader
Perf/Memory tweaks
tweaked some chicken/bear anims;
improved the 3rd person deploy / reload animations for ak47
Updated RustNative
Updated noise bindings
Updated heightmap generation
Added test mountain prefab
Another dumb player spawn fix
Tweaked performance report