116,366 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.22cph!
Fixed terrain bakes in LegacyLevel
Added missing TerrainColor component to LegacyLevel
Ninja-committing because Petur hasn't answered for 15 minutes and is probably dead
Dump memory object information if available
Making ConstructionGrade a PrefabAttribute
Prefab preprocess, try to strip unneeded gameobjects
Water normal map fiddling
Initialize terrain alpha map with 1 if no texture to load was found
Merged /main/deploytosocket to main
Stone breakables anmd prefab implementations
Removed TerrainColorSet from some prefab scenes (no longer required)
Removed TerrainColorSet from a couple of rock prefabs (no longer required)
merge from changeset 6753
Fixed TerrainMeta edit mode errors on terrains that don't have all components
Replaced TerrainColorMap with TerrainAlphaMap (color to be calculated from biome map)
Change sign text dialog
Fixed chat opening when renaming sleeping bag
Other sign sizes
Fixed admin giving console text
Updated ProjectSettings to u5p2
Removed depth offset from sky shaders
Removed dead decor scripts. Plugin to Ignore.conf
Moved TerrainBindShaderProps functionality to TerrainMeta
Moved some code to 2x4 splats
Merged legacy-terrain and procgen7 branches
Driftwood and some stuff.
renamed shotgun_pump hold overlay so it doesnt conflict with shotgun
made some improvements to the player flinch animations
Fixed GameTrace failing inside caves
Fixed that the camera instance in the procedural map scene was overriding the clear flags setting of its prefab
Changed camera clear flags to solid color