117,913 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.23cph!
tweaked some animation speeds for the animals
Made that one sad little temp snow tree not be gigantic.
Sky & biome setting tweaks.
Fixed the entire networking system "pissing the bed" when switching weapons
Fixed skinnedmesh collision detection sometimes "fucking up"
Fixed CameraMan rotation being "shit"
Swizzled atlas texture channel packing to improve compression quality for normal as well as height/blend mask
Updated terrain shaders to reflect the swizzling
Added chickens to test level.
Added a specific shader test scene terrain material.
Renamed "occlusion" maps to "specularity"; occlusion can be embedded in specularity map now; modified atlas gen and normal gen to reflect the change
Added some Terrain samples to the shader test scene.
adjusted wolf attack animation speed
adjusted the bear running playback rate
fixed bug with the animal attack animation playing at uber slow speed
Removed specular from TestLevel until petur
first pass at creating a scene to test and balance all our materials.
Disabled player metabolism logging.
Remade the rocks with buzzword technology. Player skin bounces photons a bit more realistically.
Animals now only partol 60% of the time.
Updated custom deferred lighting to avoid embedding diffuse occlusion in reflectance
Moved pvt async pre-pass render threading code to script; trying to keep mono happy
Fixed pvt not working on OSX
Simplified how PlayerMetabolism is synced and saved.
Fixed time/date not progressing
Small fix for the super spec hammer.
Made the menu scene 16% more interesting.
Reverted terrain shaders back to specularity, instead of specular color, for terrain; saves ALU + saves storage + no metals; this time it's final
Added back deferred shader override with specular micro-occlusion awareness; now globally consistent and non-destructive across other standard materials
Updated all terrain materials affected by these changes: legacy, atlas and pvt
Added spawnhandler stuff to report command
Reverted insane change in Spawnable (/cc zon)
Don't show all the building component templates at 0,0,0
Fixed bear skin not having a protection property
Debug spawns and hurts when developer > 1
Animals now spawn hydrated
Upgraded BaseMetabolism.cs to use newlines
Player prioritises network updates to themselves
made changes to the animalanimation script to dynamicall adjust the animals playback peed
updated the animal prefabs to use the dynamic anim playback script
fixed the "foot sliding" of the animals when they move.
fixed building block max health not showing up properly on client
Animals once again align to the terrain.
Predators are now half as common as other animals.
Forcing terrain shader update
Fixed green shit all over the terrain
Revered deferred shader override back to built-in; needs more work
Removed some deprecated pvt shaders and materials
Animals once again float in water.
Improved how animals avoid deep water and slopes.
Starting metabolism values are no longer hard coded.
roof shingles textures, temporarilly assigned to slanted block for preview
Increased ore/stone count
Locks now deployable again (quick fix)
Fixed melee attacks sometimes striking twice
Fixed shot arrows spawning at 0,0,0 instead of where they landed