
117,851 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.23cph!

10 Years Ago
Updated animal food caloric values from admin site.
10 Years Ago
Moved GiveItem out of BaseEntity.Flags into BaseEntity.
10 Years Ago
Deployables are now killed when their floor is destroyed FixedUpdateEvent pushes realm properly PrefabPreProcess keeps seperate lists of client/server prefabs PrefabPreProcess creates an instance of prefabs before processing Added RealmedRemove - A PrefabPreProcess that removes gameobjects/components from itself depending on realm Fixed furnace and fire materials being too shiny Fixed NRE in build privliedge
10 Years Ago
Switched noise generation backend to managed until native cross-platform issues are fixed (still running native in-editor for faster loading times)
10 Years Ago
Reverted RustNative
10 Years Ago
checking meta files in
10 Years Ago
Updated RustNative
10 Years Ago
Fixed doors not being demolished properly
10 Years Ago
Merged with trunk
10 Years Ago
Adding exterior and interior wall pieces. wip log set, also contains door/windows and frames pieces
10 Years Ago
Stability system is more stable
10 Years Ago
Removed unused / broken gizmos
10 Years Ago
Globally extraced min and max noise seed values to TerrainNoise
10 Years Ago
Weapons are framerate independant again
10 Years Ago
merge from refactor
10 Years Ago
Log detailed terrain checksums after all generation is complete (debug)
10 Years Ago
Trunk merge
10 Years Ago
Added checksum log on terrain generation (debug)
10 Years Ago
Stripping unused
10 Years Ago
Merge with trunk
10 Years Ago
Fixed NRE when shooting terrain Player "use" trace now uses GameTrace - (more accurate)
10 Years Ago
added a running attack for the boar
10 Years Ago
Animals now align themselves with the terrain.
10 Years Ago
Animals now only check for deep water and slopes every few ticks.
10 Years Ago
merge from weaponrefactor
10 Years Ago
Updated water to latest version Enabled water reflections (toggle via F2 menu)
10 Years Ago
Moved some else comments.
10 Years Ago
Cleaned up code a bit.
10 Years Ago
Animals now avoid running up steep slopes.
10 Years Ago
Cherry picked danger info changes.
10 Years Ago
Reverted merge from animal branch (please clean up the code as we discussed before merging to main zon)
10 Years Ago
DangerInfo classes are now more generic.
10 Years Ago
Adding raw and cooked rabbit models, textures, and prefabs
10 Years Ago
Merged animals branch.
10 Years Ago
Optimized deep water checks.
10 Years Ago
Removed unused animal controllers.
10 Years Ago
Copied prefab resources from animal-survival.
10 Years Ago
Updated ignores
10 Years Ago
Copied Behave-Rust from animal-survival.
10 Years Ago
Copied item resources from animal-survival.
10 Years Ago
Copied scripts from animal-survival.
10 Years Ago
Merged changes from main.
10 Years Ago
Fixed building gibs Improved network update queue with different channels
10 Years Ago
added another running attack for the bear; added a random variable so the standing attacks will choose from 3 different attack animations
10 Years Ago
Calories and hydration may now be configured with a lost per day value.
10 Years Ago
Cleaner way to turn maincamera off during loading
10 Years Ago
On listenserver we now create seperate client and server prefabs, instead of using one and trying to simulate networking like a dummy Fixed a bunch of issues with this branch that didn't show up because of the lack of network gap
10 Years Ago
Trunk merge
10 Years Ago
Cleaning up
10 Years Ago
baseanimal is now a basecombatentity basecombatentity tries to work with skinnedmeshcollision (and fails to)