116,227 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.21cph!
[D11][TUTORIAL] Added lookat action to cargo supply drop
[D11] [UI] Cleaning up markup compiler and parser code. Adjusted settings on community hub screen.
[D11] [UI] added the connected players screen in the in game pause menu
[D11] Server debug commands to ignore certain hidden population types suspected in memory leak.
Strober spinner fx/anims.
Added offset-emission-only toggle to rust/std and rust/std(spec) shaders
New disturbance foam (wip)
Radtown light prefabs v2
Hobobarrel shimmer disabled for now.
Fixed profiler mismatch in RelationshipManager.FindByID
Detonator, materials, lods and prefab, view model + world model variation
[D11] [UI] localisation in preparation for the connected players screen
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[D11] [UI] Added files for markup ID and events. Adjusted parser code to include these new types.
[D11] Support for achievements #3 - #7 ps4/xb1
flasher default state off (one frame fix)
[D11][UI] Missing Server map files
[D11][UI] Create Server Map screen Setup, GameOptions slider values changed to float
[D11][Audio] Set up some DSP on new mixer, removed wierd unused send on old mixer.
[D11] [UI] Fixed staff credits being enabled by default.
Added terrain upgrade files (for 2018.3)
Enable collision mesh baking on boat collider
[D11][TUTORIAL] Fix for sleeping bag spawn timer defaulting to higher value
[D11] [UI] Added closing bracket to file.
[D11] [UI] Changes to markup parser/compiler to test compiling entire pages to json.
[D11] Support for ps4 trophies
[D11] Fix for loading screen getting stuck on a failed connection attempt, and prevent showing a disconnect popup when a player intentionally leaves a server
Increased multibox pruning broadphase world subdivisions to max (physics perf test)
[D11][Audio] - Started set up of mixer snapshots
Fixed asset warmup perf regression from
Added code for streaming LODs in before activating them.
Enabled multibox pruning broadphase (physics perf test)
[D11] [UI] JSON layout markup compiler editor window.
removed debug call
fixed skin approval issues