116,227 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.21cph!
Build test asset bundle into build/test folder
Set readableCollisionMeshes flag on server
[D11][UI] Navigation for create server screen, popup buttons added, screen blocking added for create server screen. Fixes for mod and multipliers screen
[D11] Server side PlayFab stats for structures built
[D11] Server side PlayFab stats for Ranged Weapon and Melee Weapon kills
Fixed a potential NRE in CLIENT_PendingInvite
Oilrig AI spawns and cover points backup
[D11] Controller vibration when radiation overlay active
[D11] [UI] Added support for parsing the Canvas Renderer component.
[D11] Enable/Disable SharePlay - PS4
[D11] Server commands for enabling/disabling all runtime spawning.
Fixed non-matching profiler endsample
Nuked optimize animator; no longer beneficial
Updated ragdoll prefabs to use articulated occludee directly
Fixed Ocean Patrol Paths NRE blocking some test scenes
[D11] [UI] RectTransform component now fully compiles and parses all data with the UI Markup system.
Moved some hard-coded params to material; tweaks
buoyancy perf improvements
[D11][Audio] Baked in Parametric EQ being applied to ambient sounds at runtime in the old mixer. Only baked it on the ambiences I felt were being affected by the EQ during testing.
[D11] [UI] UI Markup Parser now creates empty game objects for each widget and child widget it deserialises from JSON.
[D11] Test scene for mem profile
[D11][UI] Create server Customize with mods screen set up. Removed physics shapes from server images
[D11] Server commands for viewing all entity spawns in the main log.
[D11] [UI] Starting rework on UI Markup parse. Commented out initialisation of community hub dynamic buttons while parsing is being rewritten.
[D11][Audio] Set up DSP settings for various snapshots, set up rival footstep enhancement DSP.
Additional client profiling
[D11] Heap dump reporter exception fix when parsing disordered log data file outputs.
Added pooling to ceiling lights
[D11] [UI] updated aesthetics on the find / join game screen, fixed a coroutine running when it shouldn't
[D11][TUTORIAL] Cargo plane now spawns after leaving shelter + tweaks to camera
Implemented IOEntity.ResetState
Oilrig progress backup
loot spawns - final dressing for exterior of rig
gap and bug fixes, etc.
[D11] [UI] Fixed indexing and JSON structure for children within UI hierarchy.
[D11] Fix for attempting to save while another save operation is in progress (PS4) - reduce log output while saving
[D11] [UI] Starting to rework the compilation and parse logic for the UI Markup classes to fit a new structure.
Updated interaction disturbance foam
Stated unifying global water foam into interaction system (large-scale waves, shore, etc)