116,222 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.21cph!
reverted monumentisland and shader changes in lighting branch.
scene2prefab military tunnel.
Merged in more stuff from lighting branch without corrupting military tunnel scene.
WIP merge from military tunnel lighting branch
Changed interaction texture format
Sampling tests for flow and displacement
[D11][TUTORIAL] Tutorial Helicopter AI
Made prefab out of new lighting.
[D11][TUTORIAL] Added localisation for objective 5
Fixed rare bug that could cause upkeep resources to disappear from the tool cupboard
Scene stuff for the Pålster.
[D11][TUTORIAL] Added crafting highlight support for tutorial step, updated tutorial events in tutorial_map
[D11] Moved Carousel header text slightly away from the very edge of the screen
[D11] Close PlayerCopeseStats when attempting to loot body
[D11] Close any open Pie Menu when opening the Pause/Options Menu, and also prevent the Start/Options button from being able to open/close menus when a popup is active
▌▉▉▍▋█ ▍▉▄▇ ▍▍▇ ▇▍▉▊▉▉ █▊▅ ▍▊▌▊█ ▋▆▆█▊▋█▆█
[D11] Prevent SwallowButton check when in Menus (Only affects gameplay input? Causes weirdness with buttons that can be toggled - eg Duck/Crouch)
[D11] Disabled L/R controls on top bar when looting
Fixed loopanel platform buttons.
[D11] Fixed defines, added support to create settings if a save data file does not have them (eg old data)
[D11] ReportingFlow - Recent Players list now shows recently encountered players only, instead of everyone on the server
snow area fixed collider displacement + enabled collider on snow machine
snow machine temp trigger off by default
snow machine increased disp + fixed foliage disp
snow machine fixed meshLOD issues
snow area fixed normals + fade out disp at edge
snow area custom shader + moved disp to shader + foliage disp
Evacuation pipes progress backup
Made metal_panels_g texture more rusty. Added rusted blend
Tidied up build settings a bit
[D11][TUTORIAL] Added tutorial actions for spawning cargo drop, attack helicopter and recently woke up. Disabled random events in the tutorial server config
[D11] Save game settings to player save game data file (currently disabled)
[D11] make sure the startup bundle doesn't get loaded twice, regardless of the task ordering and parallelism.
[D11][TUTORIAL] Disabled building decay in tutorial map, converted shelter for socket enabled version (partially), updated message prompt for shelter hint
[D11][TUTORIAL] Fix for GameTip coroutine being stopped when object is disabled
[D11] allow the bootstrap runner to have different code per platform. Mainly just to prevent accidental changes (i.e. implicitly you had to be in ps4/xbox mode to regenerate the code), but the different consoles may legitimately end up with different orderings depending on their hard drives etc. In order to keep things simple from a testing point of view (and there may still be some un-known dependencies to be found), if the timing information is kept the same, you'll get the same results.
[D11] add switch for editor asset bundles flag
oilrig crane progress backup