116,225 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.21cph!
[D11] Added method for purchasing VC store items
[D11][TUTORIAL] Added functionality to override the contents/loot table of the cargo plane cargo
[D11][TUTORIAL] Added Crate drop tutorial. Tutorials can now contain "passive" sub tutorials, that aren't required to be shown (such as you are to cold), You can now set the tip tutorial text show time length via the show text tutorial step, re-enabled the code for baseoven (haven't checked on ps4 but should no longer crash)
[D11] Fixed crash when accessing loot Panels. Fixed issue with closing carousel items
[D11] Apply deadzone for left/right stick correctly
[D11] Close admin console on player death/respawn. Prevent respawn selection when admin console open. Prevent secondary action use, when admin console open.
[D11][AUDIO] Audio Folder set up.
Disabled santa airdrop
[D11] frontend changes wip fix #4; PagedUI no longer automatically opens the first page in the list, probably best not to assume the ordering, and Rust pushes it manually anyway, and it makes it easier to deal with PagedUIs which don't instantly activate, which leads onto the next point - in game code no longer references the frontend (which was crashing since it is no longer loaded then), the options menu and corpse stat panel both simply create their own PagedUI instances. Not really sure why they need this at all since they are both single pages, but I guess it helps should they get more complicated. Some simplifications to PagedUI.
[D11] frontend changes wip fix #3; PagedUI should not have been a singleton, FrontendUI on the other hand should be. This opens up the possibility of creating more PagedUIs (which needs to be done anywhere FrontendUI is currently being accessed in game). Also remove confusing casts that are no longer necessary. Remove references to global UIs when the parent UI can be known locally, makes it much easier to reuse UIs in several places.
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Disabled xmasrefill event
Disabled xmas tree craft
[D11] frontend changes wip fix #2; start to unbind UI pages from the global PagedUI (which is really the FrontendUI...classes need some changes). Pages have a reference to the UI they belong to in order to make reuse simpler.
[D11] frontend changes wip fix #1 (see notes, hopefully temporary)
[D11] update to changes to split off frontend - main code changes; tested on ps4 and largely fine, couple of issues which may or may not be related but will investigate next.
[D11] Prevent ReportingFlow from trying to add sleeping players to the "Recently Encountered Players"
[D11][TUTORIAL] Added extra localisation keys for hint messages
[D11] more wip on splitting frontend from in-game, split off all objects in D11_Frontend.unity which were not really in the frontend's lifetime (actually they are global). Again I've made these all into separate scenes to get some consistency, but it would probably be better to create (for example) a single "GlobalUI.unity" scene which pulls in all the relevant prefabs, and just use the separate scenes for editing purposes.
[D11][TUTORIAL] Fixed editor exception caused by updating contents between layout and repaint for tutorial inspectors
[D11] Default to SCEE and pass catalogue version to Xbox
[D11] more wip on splitting frontend from in-game, use page parameterization better and start to move code out of D11_Frontend as that needs to do a lot less, plus this way pages like "BrightnessContrast" are no longer tied to being used in a specific place.
[D11] more wip on splitting frontend from in-game, just bringing over some stuff I added on my tidyup branch, not yet used.
[D11] more wip on splitting frontend from in-game, oops forgot this from previous commit
[D11] more wip on splitting frontend from in-game, move the pop system into the global UI group (had to create a scene2prefab scene for this, just to be consistent with everything else, but as mentioned in previous commit message, maybe it would be better to change them all to just instantiated prefabs depending on test results.
[D11] more wip on splitting frontend from in-game, move the loading screen into the global UI group.
[D11] more wip on splitting frontend from in-game, "uitopbarcarouseldisplay" needs to be a separate scene again in order to be split off into a "global" group with a different lifetime to the frontend. Other components need similar treatment, doing one at a time. We seem to be using scene2prefab and then just using the scene anyway, rather than having a list of scene names we could have lists of UI prefabs to load, just need to do decide on one technique or the other rather than a bit of both, though there's some reason to believe scenes might load quicker than loading a prefab and instantiating it, will have to test both.
[D11] more wip on splitting frontend from in-game, remove dependencies on Frontend (really PagedUI but that needs fixing too)
[D11] more wip on splitting frontend from in-game, remove dependencies on Frontend (really PagedUI but that needs fixing too)
[D11] Make it possible to generate the bootstrap codepaths for all platforms supported without having to switch into each platform in turn + some WIP code for splitting off the frontend from the in-game.
minor Hapis fixes and tweaks
[D11][TUTORIAL] Various Tutorial actions/fixes, Tweaks to helicopter AI so should no longer stick around and repeatedly kill you. Custom tutorial logic on sleeping bag to allow for instant spawning
Minicopter for alex. (not sure if scale is 100%, just got internet)
Oilrig interiors dressing / models / texture work
[D11][TUTORIAL] Various Tutorial Actions, Tutorial Helicopter AI
[D11] Heap dump parser window fix for handling reports that are too big to display in a scroll region, plus some fixes/improvements to the analysis reporting.
[D11] Heap dump data parser and editor window.
[D11] Added some exception handling to the heap dump.
[D11] Fixed threading issue with D11 logger.
[D11] Server heap dump tool and associated console commands.
HVAC exhausts LODs/prefab/COL
Oil rig exhausts prefab / LODs / COL