116,226 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.21cph!
Terrain vertex normals keyword on material only; just making sure
Merge from weekend_branch_3
Cherry picked shader changes from blend4-fixes
Hapis Island site B tunnels now has a chance to spawn elite crate loot
Wind shader api changes
Added wind to core/foliage
added tire effects when car drives over different surfaces
vending machine tooltip shows if item for sale is blueprint or not
Fixed rust/std blend4 secondary uvs + touched relevant shaders
Cleaned and simplified up standardlayer usage
Fixed some quirks/acne in shadow feet workaround
Added "Use Vertex Normals" option to terrain shader for debugging/authoring
Removed unused keyword code from terrain meta
System info includes process memory usage
Added "Batching" and "Decor" scenes to reduce game object hierarchy clutter
Improved WaterLevel API (cleaner, faster and more powerful)
Only show drinking interaction messages when water has a certain depth (stricter for salt water)
EAC SDK update (Linux "sandbox not connected" fix)
Workbenches have deploy sounds
Fix for zero shadowbias on old materials using default std shaders
Reapplied fixed viewmodel shadow changes
fixed research table text (english)
elite ammo types lowered to 250 scrap isntead of 750
python lowered to 250 scrap
mod support - disable blueprints on client
play audible effect when learning blueprint
ramped up scrap cost for lvl 2/3 workbenches
Subtracted viewmodel shadow changes; needs fixing
don't allow default bps to be researched
gunpowder default (oops!)
icepick same as pickaxe rarity/cost
if item is unresearchable, still allow repairs
reduced HQM from recycling components to nearly nothing
tshirt/longsleeve tshirt cheaper and no longer require sewing kit
rocket rarity set to 3 instead of 2
crossbow default blueprint, require WB1
eoka default blueprint
handmade shell default blueprint
green crates spawn workbench tier items slightly more often
metal shopfront much cheaper + default bp
vending machine much cheaper + default bp
Fixed tier3 workbench materials
Changed world-model player self-shadows to stop casting on viewmodels
Added custom shadow casting to core shader set
searched items show lock icon
'new' notification has own alpha group
LR300/M92 uncraftable
pickaxe research cost reduced
research table cost drastically reduced (oops)
Servers can call the sv console command on clients (mods)
Can send optional entity ID with Signage.ReceiveTexture (mods)
Simple Handmade Sight researchable
Autoturret now researchable
Ice lake topology map fixes / fixed positions on clutter floating above the ground
Fixed checksum being unset when world cache is disabled (editor)
Fixed object motion blur ignoring transparent cutouts
Double armoured door research scrap cost is now the same as single
Set ResearchResource reference to scrap on the static research tables (so you can place scrap into them + research)