
115,225 Commits over 3,959 Days - 1.21cph!

9 Years Ago
Fixed NRE when shooting players in Perf.Playermodel scene
9 Years Ago
Disabled tonecc editor histogram display+update by default
9 Years Ago
Grabbed optimized hable tonemapper from amplify color
9 Years Ago
▇▄▉▊▄▋▌▉ ▉▆▅▆ █▉▋▄▆█▉ ▉▉▇
9 Years Ago
Builder test
9 Years Ago
Added server side combat log that keeps a history of dealt and received damage (access via combatlog console command)
9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
fixed head flickering during sleeping animation
9 Years Ago
Disabled TSSAA sample tonemapping for now; causing problems in opengl (possibly fix for RUST-1167)
9 Years Ago
Procgen Railroad segment model/LODs/COL Procgen roads segments models/LODs/textures
9 Years Ago
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9 Years Ago
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9 Years Ago
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9 Years Ago
testing serial builds because i'm desperate
9 Years Ago
Removed BuildAssetBundleOptions.DisableWriteTypeTree flag
9 Years Ago
Log file print, wait for release
9 Years Ago
Unity 5.4.0f2
9 Years Ago
Old posters textures Bus stop model, LODs, COLs and prefab
9 Years Ago
smoothed out the blend transitions between the 3rd person jumping animations
9 Years Ago
Got rid of all keywords on unity's tonemapper; eye adapt forced on
9 Years Ago
removed PlayerItemInputBlocked check
9 Years Ago
NRE check
9 Years Ago
nre check
9 Years Ago
Disabled mesh compression on rocks, see if that works
9 Years Ago
supply drop blocks player item input
9 Years Ago
crossbow deploy extended in code
9 Years Ago
another loot fix
9 Years Ago
Reduced bloom overhead by another 10% costing tolerable change to overall brightness Exposed more bloom params
9 Years Ago
doubled max xp for finding barrels/loot crates (helps with late game grind, less xp falloff ) increased gathering maximum xp by 50% increased max xp from others crafting item increased xp earn rate from others gathering for you (diminishing still in effect)
9 Years Ago
Added bone name to vis.damage
9 Years Ago
lowgrade fuel keeps lights lit longer ownership share for providing resources increased to 50% if someone kills an animal with your tool you get xp fixed bug where you could sometimes bypass loot item input protection
9 Years Ago
Changed the assigned body parts of some lower body player bones (since the upper legs of the mesh are skinned to the hip bones)
9 Years Ago
Reverting some model state tick changes I believe to be fucked
9 Years Ago
Wood doors much more vulnerable to explosives
9 Years Ago
Replaced bloom's 7 (7 sp) gaussian with optimized 9 (5 sp) gaussian; now 10% faster
9 Years Ago
Default water quality = 1 (refl also 1) Default aa quality = FXAA
9 Years Ago
Procgen scenes and prefabs for power substations
9 Years Ago
vm crossbow tweaks
9 Years Ago
Desperate attempt at fixing mesh issues on rock_cliff_a: touched, changed tangent computation and turned down compression
9 Years Ago
Fixed item containers of certain weapons being locked for player input (cc Helk, regression from 15732)
9 Years Ago
Turned off tonemapper debug
9 Years Ago
Tweaked eye adaptation and tonemapping to fix overbrightness
9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
Warn on duplicate bone ID in skeleton properties
9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
server treefabs
9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
sentry gun unlocks at level 18 instead of 24 sentry gun parts found in radtowns (rarely) lasersight unlocks at level 24 (was 25) touched a bunch of files because why?
9 Years Ago
can no longer input items into loot boxes/trash piles (fixes exploits causing them not to respawn)