267 Commits over 31 Days - 0.36cph!
Fixed some broken prevent building colliders
- Improved the siege tower collisions on stage changes
- Removed invisible doorway colliders on constructable stages
gibs import settings change
Ensured constructable entities update state on the serverside as well as the clientside
Textures and materials for build stages.
Added collider to the little overhang roof beside the window
Flip tower orientation whilst placing so it looks away from you
Fixed broken constructable entity reference
- Fixed broken guide mesh
- Fixed offset guide mesh deploy location
Fixed broken colliders and positions on siege tower constructable stages
Material Update in constructable prefab
Siege tower constructable gibs
Fixed error when loading borked ballista ammo item
Catapult and battering ram constructable gibs
Ballista constructable setup
Fixed catapult fire interaction available when looking at the ammo container
- Ballista Guidemesh
- Ballista Build Stages
Better catapult constructable colliders
Tweaked bounds
Fixed catapult server error
Fixed horse lootpanel max speed indicator
Both wooden shields now use wooden impact pfx
Fixed "ent kill" commands affecting shields
Horse code cleanup
Fixed handbrake not working properly
Fixed battering ram using the wrong head health values
battering ram anim upodates
Get out of ragdolling only when the body stopped moving +1s, with a 20s time fallback
Delayed the catapulting death on impact by 1s so you can see the corpse hitting the ground instead of dying mid air
Fixed ragdolling killing you on impact on horses
Fixed lethal ragdolling killing even with god mode enabled
Battering ram scoop damage renderer
Battering ram folder cleanup
Implemented new battering ram animations
Changed the damage logic
exported 3p shield anims correctly and turned 'write defaults' back on for the metal shield idle in player animation controller
Fixed priority of block impact anims so they don't go via the idle state
Fixed left hand driven camera animation not working when shields are active
Split "Save Backpack Holster" option on HeldEntity inspector into two options, "Save Scene Position as Holster" and "Save Scene Position as Backpack Holster"
Added a "Save Holster Info to Prefab" button that copies the current holster values to the prefab asset
Don't show any of these options on Held entities if they are not in the scene (they would have failed anyway)
Adjust shield holstered positions
Removed some placeholder anims
Disable write defaults on shield idle
updated battering ram anim, new states in animator, more build up in attack anim
Battering ram audio minor change
-Battering Ram wheels now steer the correct way
-Battering Ram wheels rotate via Quaternions
Horses: removed the velocityDelta thing when applying forward forces, feels better when moving from gallop to canter after releasing shift
Update ballista icon
Changed siege weapon items selection panel
Fixed ballista ModularCarAudio.StopTyreAudio NRE
Fixed catapult fire interaction available when looking at the wheels
Added SiegeWeaponVehicleAudio, inherits from from GroundVehicleAudio
Updated BatteringRamVehicleAudio
Added wheel audio to all siege weapons
Fixed ballista client loading issue