224,137 Commits over 3,684 Days - 2.54cph!

7 Years Ago
Collider fix
7 Years Ago
optional object context override through BaseEntity.Log
7 Years Ago
removed weird gather values from items
7 Years Ago
Fixed skinnables having duplicates of their model and viewmodel bundled with them by moving everything from steamitems.bundle to content.bundle
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Unit race as object field in debug view
7 Years Ago
Units hold race definition, piped through UnitSettings.Create Unit race shown in debug panel
7 Years Ago
melee info ui
7 Years Ago
Can now operate combo options with a mouse
7 Years Ago
Acceleration, gravity
7 Years Ago
Slider options can now be mouse controlled
7 Years Ago
Merge from main
7 Years Ago
Compile fixes
7 Years Ago
Supermarket final tweaks
7 Years Ago
Particle collision Tweaks
7 Years Ago
Fixed potential TerrainMeta.OnEnable NRE
7 Years Ago
Potential fix for crash when closing the game
7 Years Ago
last set of clothing edits
7 Years Ago
Removed a number of less important profiler samples to improve profiler stability
7 Years Ago
nuked RTree
7 Years Ago
Merge /main/macos - macOS builds use libc++ & 10.7 SDK
7 Years Ago
removed DistanceMap because it's slow and we don't use it
7 Years Ago
Morale threat map uses delayed init
7 Years Ago
Moved the stunt stuff out of car rig and into player Display stunts, drift and air
7 Years Ago
Removed "is being attacked" condition from Animal/Combat/Defensive
7 Years Ago
Changes to animal combat AI
7 Years Ago
Added BaseSelectedUnitWidget flag change callback, used by UnitCommandsWidget to update button state accordingly (dead/disabled people cant craft or build) Added Unit.Flags.OnFlagsChanged event
7 Years Ago
more playerController dead checks
7 Years Ago
Cleaned up some logs
7 Years Ago
cleaning up PlayerController selection handling, WIP support for selecting dead units
7 Years Ago
macOS: Implemented mouse cursor with 10.7 SDK
7 Years Ago
Fixed scrolling leaderboard entries, mouse interaction only enabled when browsing Button prompts can now only be clicked if nothing except for their parent has focus
7 Years Ago
Fixed missing CameraParticles component on player camera prefab
7 Years Ago
More init stuff
7 Years Ago
LifeScale SpeedScale, SpeedScaleMax WithConeVelocity SpawnRadius
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Fixed BiomeMaterialObject onEnable fucking everything
7 Years Ago
block animal from using attack root motion if allready attacking root motion
7 Years Ago
Human/Shelter goal plans inherit goal score
7 Years Ago
Hatchets and pickaxe - Updated to latest rig, added arms, clean exports, rebuilt prefabs
7 Years Ago
Fixed various delayed inits
7 Years Ago
Fixed non-standalone build error
7 Years Ago
Fixed LOD warnings in workshop item viewer Removed legacy functionality from GameManager Re-enabled lowercase conversion warning when creating prefabs (standalone)
7 Years Ago
Can now click on button prompts
7 Years Ago
Another UI fix introduced in 2017 Unity update
7 Years Ago
More clothing edits
7 Years Ago
Fixed menu scene not having correct lighting when quitting to menu while the player camera is viewing an interior space (caves)
7 Years Ago
Fixed supermarket products LOD issues
7 Years Ago
Merged from ai_4
7 Years Ago
Merged from main