223,970 Commits over 3,684 Days - 2.53cph!

7 Years Ago
Fix for bradley shooting trough the rocket factory roof
7 Years Ago
Fixed profiler sample mismatch in RendererCell.RefreshAsync
7 Years Ago
Added ProfilerDebug tool to track down profiler sample mismatches
7 Years Ago
Some "using UnityEngine.Profiling;"
7 Years Ago
Fixed client side profiler mismatch in BasePlayer.SendClientTick
7 Years Ago
update launcher anim
7 Years Ago
Fixed Rust.Application.isLoading not being set during GameSetup (editor startup)
7 Years Ago
Fourth attempt to fix RUST-1760 ("You cannot have more than 262143 Colliders enabled in total" spam while loading a save)
7 Years Ago
wolf improvements
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Just sleep in avatar request Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Facepunch/SandboxGame
7 Years Ago
Controls rebinding now persistent
7 Years Ago
Fixed HUD hotreload
7 Years Ago
Clients call Friends.UpdateInformation as early as possible
7 Years Ago
PrefabParameters now contains a priority Monuments are ordered by priority when placed
7 Years Ago
Testing/Uncovering crash bug.
7 Years Ago
Steamavatar component
7 Years Ago
Cleaned up how button prompts react to control rebinding
7 Years Ago
Hud components self registering, don't need managed backend Hotloading Cleaned up component registration javascript run, Infinite loop protection Tripmine fix
7 Years Ago
added sidetunnel dirt to props and added to scene
7 Years Ago
Merged from main
7 Years Ago
* Added CNavLadder.Disconnect( CNavArea )
7 Years Ago
Merged in 2017.1
7 Years Ago
Third attempt to fix RUST-1760 ("You cannot have more than 262143 Colliders enabled in total" spam while loading a save)
7 Years Ago
Mouse and controller rebinding finished, not persistent
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
* Added CNavArea.Remove * Added CNavArea.SetCorner( int corner, Vector v ) * Added CNavLadder.Remove * Added CNavArea.ConnectTo( CNavArea/CNavLadder ) * Added CNavArea.Disconnect( CNavArea/CNavLadder ) * Added CNavArea.PlaceOnGround( int corner ) * Added navmesh.CreateNavArea( Vector corner, Vector opposite_corner )
7 Years Ago
saved sidetunnel max
7 Years Ago
Working on mouse input rebinding Fixed being able to click on leaderboard entries while other UI was on top
7 Years Ago
detail dressing pass gas station
7 Years Ago
Partial controller rebinding
7 Years Ago
some cleanup
7 Years Ago
Implemented key rebinding, not persistent yet
7 Years Ago
Blog posts with single author Extra blog list types
7 Years Ago
Data updates Hide changelist section if no changelist Show author in blog posts, if single author Blog list page
7 Years Ago
merge from main
7 Years Ago
Second attempt to fix RUST-1760 ("You cannot have more than 262143 Colliders enabled in total" spam while loading a save)
7 Years Ago
Added .NET 4.0 Merge pull request #71 from Phyxion/patch-2 Added .NET 4.0
7 Years Ago
added a placeholder "searching" panel that pops in when you're queueing for a match, stays on screen across modes when queued, disappears when match found.
7 Years Ago
Stunt detection, flips and spins
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Add SoundStream. Add PlaySound2D that takes a sound object.
7 Years Ago
Network++ Save++
7 Years Ago
Reapplied smalluments
7 Years Ago
fix maybe take 2
7 Years Ago
fix for build breaking maybe
7 Years Ago
Subtracting smalluments (will re-add later with other wiping changes)
7 Years Ago
Attempt to fix RUST-1761 ("Sub-emitters must be children of the system that spawns them" on Hapis)
7 Years Ago
branched wip background queuing stuff
7 Years Ago
Attempt to fix RUST-1760 ("You cannot have more than 262143 Colliders enabled in total" spam while loading a save)