224,153 Commits over 3,684 Days - 2.54cph!

7 Years Ago
Fix for sometimes not switching to controller input mode
7 Years Ago
Stat importer now accounts for people who like in Europistan
7 Years Ago
more wip commits
7 Years Ago
Added deadzones for options navigation
7 Years Ago
Warmth need now uses body temperature. Added definitions for min and max temperature.
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
StatsImporter uses float.TryParse and logs errors warnings when we fail
7 Years Ago
Code formatting
7 Years Ago
Added EvaluationTargets.BlackboardEntity, refactored DecisionContext.GetEntity to support reading target from a blackboard
7 Years Ago
WarmupTime, WithFixedUpdate Align, Sort Removed some unused code Shader organise
7 Years Ago
Right click on an item in inventory will now try to use the item (via primary option in ItemModMenuOption) if wearing the item fails.
7 Years Ago
Switched build settings Network++ City collision fixes
7 Years Ago
update wip shooter animation/ controller
7 Years Ago
correct croc look anim
7 Years Ago
Added BaseWorldEntity.GetFaceMaterial (only works on static mesh and brush models atm)
7 Years Ago
Possible race condition fix
7 Years Ago
Added small collision piece for end of ramps
7 Years Ago
Automatically delete expired particle systems
7 Years Ago
Fixed map direction
7 Years Ago
HitResult returns UV
7 Years Ago
temp effect while having powerup shield improved powerup bullet and tentacle bullets falling rain attack swarm attack
7 Years Ago
fixed bug with adding prereqs improved slowmo when getting hit or getting powerup
7 Years Ago
Add morph targets to skeletal import data
7 Years Ago
Allow base materials to be used on meshes that use morph targets
7 Years Ago
Morph target bindings
7 Years Ago
Better hover outline on slots.
7 Years Ago
Sell zone work
7 Years Ago
Still working on sell zone stuff
7 Years Ago
pixelgroups drop powerups couple sfx tentacle anims
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
MenuScene init on Start
7 Years Ago
replaced tooltip positioning and offset with proper rect transform method
7 Years Ago
tooltips show on hover fixed bad validate in ProtectionValue
7 Years Ago
talents WIP
7 Years Ago
Added drug zone area texture
7 Years Ago
Polished the floors
7 Years Ago
Fixing things up
7 Years Ago
baked height map for nospawns. added Body Temperature stat which ticks up and down based on Temperature.
7 Years Ago
Merged from dragons
7 Years Ago
Merged from main
7 Years Ago
More dragon shit
7 Years Ago
Entity log auto scroll, tweaks
7 Years Ago
moved activity widget to right middle of screen merge menu scene with main scene added entity log window, all entity logs stored in list at runtime
7 Years Ago
updating mortar anim/ anim controller/prefab
7 Years Ago
removed cave on nospawns because it's annoying
7 Years Ago
reverse accel Merge branch 'master' into staging reworking powerups disperse powerups Merge branch 'master' into staging just a single player damage powerup type shooting powered visuals tweaked player properties follow player strength & radius pixelgroups can have death powerups player laser turret fixed unit respawning timer bug menu default stage Merge branch 'master' into staging removed some debug lines
7 Years Ago
Fix some ambiguous std::min calls in macOS builds
7 Years Ago
Deleted BareTallPine
7 Years Ago
more spawning on nospawns
7 Years Ago
Fixed pine tree not having positions for its interactions