256,509 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!
fixed missing animation events for a bunch of weapons
Serverside player metabolism performance
Cowboy character
Forehand anim
racket files & anims
- Space game blog buildy build
- LevelBuilder fix for planet spawning with no outdoor rooms
Updated cowboy rig
Added template
Added forehand test anim
Added racket source file & anim
human walk (looks weird atm)
- Barricade renamed to Barrier
- Collision fix for Barrier
FOR FUCK SAKE cone particle, fixing delay
Touched remaining water shaders just in case
- Fixed shitty bug in BeforeInspector+ViewManagement when updating a view prefab from source object
- SpeciesSettingsEditor correctly assigns an avatar to animators on unit views when possible
- Drawers for Wrappers, lots of them
Hack fix for black river backface z-fighting (#294)
▄ ▋▍▋▋▊▄▍▉ ▄▇█▍▉/▌▌▅▌▍▋/██▅/▋▋▆▍█▆▌ ▅▉▍▊▉▇
▍▋▇ ▋█▉▆ ▋▄▍▇ ▋▇██▆▍▊▉▊▊▆▍█▊▉▊ ▋▍▌█▆▄
checking in, might break, Will fix asap
- Barricade/barrier now has seperate distance, scale values and spacing delay enabled again
Attempting better RT/Device loss handling in terrain texturing (#69)
Nighttime reflection probe ground color fix
- Nuked UnitImportWizard, ported all functionality into SpeciesSettingsEditor
- Some BeforeInspector+ViewManagement changes
Defaulted PlayerSkin1 material skin color param back to original value; just to be sure
Fixed deferred shaderinos
- BiomeMaterialLibraries auto refresh via the World debug option
- Added base DataParameters type
- Added StatBlockerParameters, EffectParmaters.StatBlockers
- Added Stat+Blockable partial
- EffectParamters duration stuff clean up a bit, added a label in the prop drawer to display the value as hours/minutes
- Lots of Triggered Effects data fill
Should not tweet if the branch name contains the word "private"
Made Agent+DM a bit more robust, where if finding the best goal's goal plan or goal plan variant doesn't pull through and fail, it will go on and try to find the next best goal.
- Added a starting room to asteroid tileset scene
- Made a tileset for the start room
- Made an asteroid->factory flow
- Last orders mission now uses the asteroid->factory flow
- Rebuilt asteroid prefabs
Fixed NRE in SelectedBlueprint
Fixed lantern stacking / hiding
Fixed NRE in server projectile movement
Fixed being able to knock doors without knock sounds (server guid is empty error)
Fixed missing sound def on player_ragdoll (Rotting Flies)
Fixed NRE in InputState, resulting in not being able to use any controls
Code lock uses 1 lodgroup instead of 2
Fixed the 2 keylock meshes being registered with two LODGroups / no LODGroups (cc Helk)
Fixed bug where we were updating tick modifier value rather than modifier value.
Storing failed Stat semantics cleanup on a failed branch, probably never to be loaded back up again...
- DecisionMakerSettings and Maslow Weight store public fields, not properties and private fields
- DMS.MaslowWeights is initiated with an element for each DPL
- DecisionMakerSettingsEditor cleanup
Don't record/update framerate if console is open
Uncompressed ambient sounds (for playback perf)
Fixed RUST-293 (foundation steps cannot be placed in some situations)
Clamped skin darkness to compensate for sss darkening; toned down overall shininess (#297)
Fixed visit webpage not working when connected to server