
106,188 Commits over 3,806 Days - 1.16cph!

10 Months Ago
Added a separate useAimOffsetLayer toggle to Held Entities so that the aim offset layer can be disabled while also disabling spine ik
10 Months Ago
Merge from main
10 Months Ago
Serversideragdolls convar now also adjust physics layer collisions, and is properly replicated + saved
10 Months Ago
EmissionOffsetStepped is now client only and won't run if the camera is further than 15m away
10 Months Ago
removed duplicate lod group
10 Months Ago
progress - texture set #3
10 Months Ago
Merge from main
10 Months Ago
Setup random variants to roof's bottomline prefabs
10 Months Ago
progress backup
10 Months Ago
Remove locked crate icon from map when any item is removed from a hacked crate
10 Months Ago
Add slider to control brush spacing Add paint.brushSpacing convar to control it from binds too
10 Months Ago
Patched up some collider gaps you could shoot through Brought in wall colliders a little to allow things to be placed inside easier
10 Months Ago
Shelter: Prevented building infront of door Ensured cant be placed on tugboat Ensured can't be placed inside constructions Ensured can't be placed inside monuments
10 Months Ago
added handikDisable curve for revolver deploy and reload anims so the lefthand is only linked to the gun when desired
10 Months Ago
Ensured shelter isnt stackable. Made shelter easier to place.
10 Months Ago
▉▌▄ ▉▆▍ ▋▉▅.
10 Months Ago
Possible fix for NRE
10 Months Ago
Small backpack art, cherry picked from 90436 (wrong branch)
10 Months Ago
assigned correct world model to trophy 2023
10 Months Ago
exported edited melee idle pose to match the pistol pose
10 Months Ago
Merge main
10 Months Ago
Ensured water catchers, furnaces and oil refineries can't be shot through.
10 Months Ago
Merge from main -> oil_rig_radiation
10 Months Ago
merge from main
10 Months Ago
w_revolver reload - removed root bone in mask
10 Months Ago
set 3p rifle anims to use new avatar mask
10 Months Ago
merge from fix_default_binds_repeating
10 Months Ago
merge from fix_cached_browser_modded_tags
10 Months Ago
▉▊█▄▋ ▊▇▍▉ ▆▍█▅_▆▉▇▌▋▅_▍▅▍▍█▉
10 Months Ago
merge from Legacy_Furnace
10 Months Ago
legacy item lighting setups
10 Months Ago
Created Secondary Icon for Confetti Cannon
10 Months Ago
updated world model prefab with necessary world model scripts
10 Months Ago
deleted hachet anims from testanims folder
10 Months Ago
added ik target to revolver.entity
10 Months Ago
lr300 wm reload- removed root bone in mask, ik target curve adjustments for deploy and reload
10 Months Ago
changed LODs, LOD3 is now baked down 2 materials to 1
10 Months Ago
10 Months Ago
updated melee holdtype override controller
10 Months Ago
exported player update first pass melee anim set
10 Months Ago
populated melee holdtype override controller with new melee anims
10 Months Ago
disabled spine ik on hachett entity prefab
10 Months Ago
merge form b_shotgun
10 Months Ago
exported player update melee anim set
10 Months Ago
smallbackpack update
10 Months Ago
merge from gc_buffer_settings
10 Months Ago
merge from fix_guest_enter_main_code
10 Months Ago
merge from legacy_shelter
10 Months Ago
VM lights setup
10 Months Ago
Added total range percentage. GetDetectionPos correctly applies view model cam offset if used. WIP light setup.