userBill Bcancel

8,706 Commits over 1,705 Days - 0.21cph!

13 Days Ago
Merge main -> Bikes
13 Days Ago
Added null check on CH47 scientist spawns, with error thrown if it fails. Plus minor edit where we were doing a redundant transform.transform
13 Days Ago
Commented out region ping spam in editor
13 Days Ago
Unchecked CanNPCOpen on cargo ship doors
13 Days Ago
Simpler fix, moving values to Awake
13 Days Ago
Revert older sound fix
13 Days Ago
Merge HarborAudioFix -> Main
13 Days Ago
Attempt at a proper fix for the audio problems. Reverted previous temp fix.
13 Days Ago
Quick fix for audio bug, disabling crane and bridge sound using Ian's method
13 Days Ago
Merge main -> Bikes
14 Days Ago
Minor edit
14 Days Ago
Fixed still pedalling sometimes when stopped, adjusted pedal ratio
14 Days Ago
Use gears for the pedal animation, like a real pedal bike rider would. New separate placeholder engine audio sets for motorbike and bike
14 Days Ago
Keep pedals flat as the pedal axle turns
14 Days Ago
Pedals rotate, matching drive wheel rotation at a specified ratio
14 Days Ago
14 Days Ago
Added pedals to the pedal bikes and IK'd driver feet to them
14 Days Ago
Both real wheels of the trike are now power wheels, and all wheels of pedal bikes are brake wheels. Fixed lack of friction of right-rear trike wheel
14 Days Ago
Added pedal bike and pedal trike to my test map
14 Days Ago
Added placeholder pedal bike and pedal trike rideable entities. Manifest update
14 Days Ago
Enabled head clipping check on bikes but this time it actually works (I still have a cold, ok?)
14 Days Ago
Enabled head clipping check on bikes
14 Days Ago
Updated in-air wheel rotation for vehicles, now wheels loose rotation speed slowly while not grounded, and there's no tie to speed
14 Days Ago
Air control improvements and refactoring
14 Days Ago
Re-enabled mouse steer for bikes. Changed mouse steer input modifier to FIRE_THIRD (attack3) instead of DUCK.
15 Days Ago
Disable mouse steer on motorbikes since it conflicts with the intentional duck input. Bug fixes
15 Days Ago
Air control changes, using duck input now
15 Days Ago
Small fixes
15 Days Ago
Fixed broken inspector vals
15 Days Ago
Sprint and air control torque
15 Days Ago
Refactoring, three-wheeled bikes now also support sprint torque
16 Days Ago
Missing meta file
16 Days Ago
Lift the bike a bit when holding sprint. To be improved (though engine limitation prevents us from doing full wheelies unfortunately - wheelcolliders always raycast downward with respect to parent rigidbody orientation)
16 Days Ago
Comment out ping estimator editor spam
16 Days Ago
Merge main -> Bikes
16 Days Ago
Subtract 94930, there is now a more general sign fix
21 Days Ago
Merge Main -> Bikes
21 Days Ago
New sprint input networking. Rename smowmobile protobuf to smallVehicle since it's shared with bikes. Network++ Also fixed snowmobile not sending fuel fraction in save/load.
21 Days Ago
Fix some server/client stuff
21 Days Ago
Smooth out jittery bike steering visuals
21 Days Ago
Minor edit
21 Days Ago
Sidecar bike steering adjustments
21 Days Ago
Sidecar bike driving physics work
22 Days Ago
Various sidecar bike physics work. Should also be useful if we do a quad bike.
22 Days Ago
Give the sidecar wheel basically no friction, so it doesn't drag the bike to the right
22 Days Ago
Remove leaning in air via throttle/brake. Going to try this as sprint/crouch instead
22 Days Ago
Smooth out the ground normal data. My stabilisation didn't like the instant changes
22 Days Ago
Bike stat tweaks
23 Days Ago
Fix attempt for ActualDeptOfFieldAperture server compile error
23 Days Ago
Merge minigun compile fix