30,783 Commits over 3,867 Days - 0.33cph!
Reactive target Missing collisions
can now lower target
1 second delay for pickup
impact sparks are HDR
added bullseye to reactive target
bullseye shots do 2x damage and have a special effect
Updated AO to latest and switched to deferred AO injection to play nice with PBR and go easier on the grass
Fixed active item not dropping when killed without entering the wounded state first
Fixed potential pooling NRE when leaving play mode in the editor
kill console command kills immediately without going wounded first (it's just annoying)
rigged / animated / added sounds for the reactive_target
tweaked some flamethrower viewmodel anims
Load balancer takes more time when queue backlog increases
Fixed cargo plane's propellers not fading into fog (#634)
Removed stability warmup queue on server start since at this point it should be in stored in all savegames
Fix for RUST-600 (Cannot change GameObject hierarchy while activating or deactivating the parent)
Fix for RUST-631 (Armored foundation steps gives adjacent foundation transparent side(s))
Entities that haven't called spawn yet are valid as well (makes more sense for some existing code)
Compile fix (CLIENT && !SERVER)
Test: Don't check isSpawned when verifying the entity state while loading a save
Test: Set isDestroyed at the end of the entity deletion
Old hapis on main again, for now.
Random mat tweaks.
Slightly increased SSAO radius, so that it doesn't black all over our grass as much.
Made some placeholder crapsset store cars not be all toy-sized.
Made Hapis run prefab sky dome.
Undo Sky Dome.prefab change.
merge from hapis (includes some stuff picked up from dungeons earlier)
Compile fix (CLIENT && !SERVER)
Added GameManager.Destroy (verifies entity state and logs error if it's corrupted)
Replaced a shitton of GameObject.Destroy and Object.Destroy calls with GameManager overloads
Moved blood package to third party folder
Console commands can reply with objects, which get serialized to json
Fixed EnforceLimits deleting entities wrong
Added Rcon.web - setting to true enables websocket rcon
RCon think during loading
Water2 parity with Before; minor changes
vm wood hammer - Made the deploy anim much longer with loads more spinning
Fixed being unable to repair external walls, metal embrasures and window bars
Some pain relief for modders (you should still call UpdateSkin after SetGrade on building blocks)
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Water sim tweaks + small opt
Fixed queue jumping not jumping the queue
Wood hammer - Throwing them was a bad idea, let's pretend that didn't happen.