116,412 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.22cph!
redid the 3rd person pistol deploy animation so it matches the 1st person better
Reworked Hazmat suit source files
radiation has more of a gradient rather than a seemingly binary exposure
updated radpill description
added food box to junk piles
rocket launcher more expensive
rockets cost additional pipe
lowered oil barrel HP
removed waterpipe pipe requirement (derpy but needed for now)
tightened up flamethrower fuel stream graphics
flamethrower must be held to create fire
can no longer tap flamethrower for 1 fuel to create a fire
flamethrower holds 100 ammo instead of 50
flamethrower uses twice the fuel per second
flamethrower direct damage against players increased
attempt to fix empty crates/barrels
added semi auto body (p250/SAR component)
slightly reduced sheet metal HQM recycle yield
slightly reduced spring HQM recycle yield
water bottle viewmodel updates, adding Toms bottle mesh & textures
Multiple select breakdown
Fixed scrolling back to the top when inventory items updated
Shortened prefab name in print_prefabs
Enabled all player pooling functionality by default on 64bit systems (finally)
Fixed ProjectileWeaponMod not setting limitNetworking after server load
Made PropRenderer IClientComponent (client needs it)
water bottle 1st pass viewmodel anims, prefab & controller
Properly cull PropRenderer at runtime (memory usage, performance)
Fixed IEditorComponent not being culled at all in client builds
Can convert unwanted steam inventory clothes into cloth (for no reason right now)
Reverted accidentally included Rust.Data.csproj change
Merge from networking_fuckery_2
Fixed decor NRE with pool mode 2
Added some missing Profiler.EndSample in PlayerModel
Enabled graphics jobs (testing)
Throw error during DoPrepare if gibbable isn't readable
Only occlude looping sounds via gain (quick temp fix for surround sound DSP issue)
Simplified workshop icon outline effect
Re-enabled pre-processing for server builds
Disabled dynamic batching
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Disabled graphics jobs again; causing crashes and breaking deferred lighting...