116,400 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.22cph!
Fixed a couple of server NREs
tugboat final touches
removed tugboats from lighthouse scene
Don't drop retired or limited edition items in bags
foodbox no longer saves (fixes floating ones on server restart)
added radsuit to loot table
removed old radsuit from loot table
foodbox now spawns at center of junkbox instead of inplace of a barrel
reduced cost of bone armor
reduced cost of deer helmet
reduced cost of wolf headdress
added protection to wolf headress
Fix missing deploy effects
Fixed building placement guide with pool.mode 2
Reverted effect references on deployable building parts (hoping those are all)
Update Manifest, Prepare prefabs
Fixed workshop scroll speed
Fixed httpimage sometimes not loading
Added accepted category in workshop
lighthouse stuff (temporary)
HttpImage caching
Bag categories
Placeholder bag hq icon
Optimized inventory scroller
List 'crates' from inventory schema instead of hard coded
tugboat LODs, prefab update
Steam Inventory crafting warning
Reverted EAC server binaries
Added lods to hazmat suit
Load inventory when opening tab instead of on startup
Fixed icon loading errors
Fixed some item categories
Fixed salvaged hammer viewmodel
Fixed NRE ServerMgr.cs:806
tugboat textures, WIP model, materials
Slightly faster LightEx / LocalPositionAnimation
fixed SAR costing 3 semi auto bodies (now 1, oops)
balanced SAR recoil/damage (easier to hit stuff now)
Fixed buggy chat visuals with pool.mode 2
Optimize ReverbZoneTrigger updates
Add voice limiting to physics sounds
River sounds use the local ambience system
Wounded screams stop on death
VIewmodel sound timing tweaks
Ambient sound layer timing tweaks
Fix deployable placement effects spawning at the origin when attaching to other entities
Add new placement sounds for deployable building parts (doors, ladders, etc)
Misc sound polish
redid the 3rd person pistol deploy animation so it matches the 1st person better
Reworked Hazmat suit source files
radiation has more of a gradient rather than a seemingly binary exposure
updated radpill description
added food box to junk piles
rocket launcher more expensive
rockets cost additional pipe
lowered oil barrel HP
removed waterpipe pipe requirement (derpy but needed for now)
tightened up flamethrower fuel stream graphics
flamethrower must be held to create fire
can no longer tap flamethrower for 1 fuel to create a fire
flamethrower holds 100 ammo instead of 50
flamethrower uses twice the fuel per second
flamethrower direct damage against players increased
attempt to fix empty crates/barrels
added semi auto body (p250/SAR component)
slightly reduced sheet metal HQM recycle yield
slightly reduced spring HQM recycle yield