116,394 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.22cph!
Finished harbor crane, added LODs and colliders
fixed a bug with the 3rd person jumping animation
Moving transmission over to more generalized translucency
Cleaning up gbuffer packing code
Fixed skin curvature
Rolled back to octahedron normal encoding; spheremap just not good enough for ws
Fixed base and subsurface normals
Combat log includes timestamp
Updated water bottle vm anims & controller
Final barge models, added colliders, prefabs update
Barges models/LODs/Prefab Update
some material zoo test map updates
improved the third person pistol hold
fixed some stuttering with the walk / run animation blends
fixed the anim event on the pistol deploy
"Breaks Into" on item description
First stage gbuffer reshuffle + switch to spheremap normal encoding
Fixed non-critical compilation error in unused shader
Moved biome tint computation to vertex program
Re-enabled biome tinting in lowest shader level
Added mips to some terrain textures for better texture cache occupancy
Modified remaining fetches to use lods
Force disabling biome tinting in lowest shader level
Another minor LightEx / LocalPositionAnimation optimization
Do a better job of fetching avatars and knowing player's names
Fixed Assign To Friend screen, made it less terrible
Fixed animator hash / layer warning on startup
Fixed Favourites, History, Friends in server list
Fixed server list locking up when switching between categories
Fixed skins not working on a bunch of viewmodels
Fixed a couple of server NREs
tugboat final touches
removed tugboats from lighthouse scene
Don't drop retired or limited edition items in bags