
116,394 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.22cph!

8 Years Ago
Removed sqlite
8 Years Ago
dll meta
8 Years Ago
Durango compiled dlls
8 Years Ago
Removed Unused
8 Years Ago
Bag Icons
8 Years Ago
Finished harbor crane, added LODs and colliders
8 Years Ago
fixed a bug with the 3rd person jumping animation
8 Years Ago
▉▌▇▆ ▊▍▅▇▆▊▇ ▊▇▊▅█
8 Years Ago
fixed the footsteps bug
8 Years Ago
Moving transmission over to more generalized translucency Cleaning up gbuffer packing code Fixed skin curvature
8 Years Ago
Rolled back to octahedron normal encoding; spheremap just not good enough for ws Fixed base and subsurface normals
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
Xbone fixes
8 Years Ago
Combat log includes timestamp
8 Years Ago
Updated water bottle vm anims & controller
8 Years Ago
Fixed skin lighting
8 Years Ago
Merge from main
8 Years Ago
Updated RustBuilder
8 Years Ago
Final barge models, added colliders, prefabs update
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
harbor_1 dressing update
8 Years Ago
Barges models/LODs/Prefab Update
8 Years Ago
Merged from main
8 Years Ago
some material zoo test map updates
8 Years Ago
improved the third person pistol hold fixed some stuttering with the walk / run animation blends
8 Years Ago
fixed the anim event on the pistol deploy
8 Years Ago
"Breaks Into" on item description
8 Years Ago
First stage gbuffer reshuffle + switch to spheremap normal encoding
8 Years Ago
Fixed non-critical compilation error in unused shader
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
Moved biome tint computation to vertex program Re-enabled biome tinting in lowest shader level
8 Years Ago
Added mips to some terrain textures for better texture cache occupancy Modified remaining fetches to use lods
8 Years Ago
Force disabling biome tinting in lowest shader level
8 Years Ago
EAC update
8 Years Ago
Another minor LightEx / LocalPositionAnimation optimization
8 Years Ago
Rebuilt launcher
8 Years Ago
Do a better job of fetching avatars and knowing player's names
8 Years Ago
One more
8 Years Ago
Fixed warnings
8 Years Ago
Fixed Assign To Friend screen, made it less terrible
8 Years Ago
Fixed animator hash / layer warning on startup
8 Years Ago
Fixed file dialog error
8 Years Ago
Fixed Favourites, History, Friends in server list Fixed server list locking up when switching between categories
8 Years Ago
Fixed skins not working on a bunch of viewmodels
8 Years Ago
Fixed some client NREs
8 Years Ago
Fixed a couple of server NREs
8 Years Ago
tugboat final touches removed tugboats from lighthouse scene
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
Don't drop retired or limited edition items in bags
8 Years Ago
Rolled back EAC