
5,885 Commits over 3,653 Days - 0.07cph!

7 Years Ago
Server compile fix
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Added UpdateHandler and UpdateBehaviour (offer DeltaUpdate that can efficiently sleep for x seconds) Optimized LightEx using DeltaUpdate (update rate now decreases smoothly with distance from camera)
7 Years Ago
Fixed game object creation error in editor when stopping game
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Some invoke handler optimizations
7 Years Ago
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7 Years Ago
Stripped a missing script from UI scene (console input field)
7 Years Ago
Stripped a missing camera component from some nested cameras
7 Years Ago
Fixed a bunch of missing script behaviours (RUST-1633 and RUST-1628)
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Optimized sound / particle parent disconnects
7 Years Ago
Added InvokeRandomized (like InvokeRepeating but randomizes the interval on every consecutive call) Replaced Facepunch.Tick with InvokeHandler calls for now (perf, especially when removing)
7 Years Ago
Forcefully refresh terrain collider after setting the height map (fixes raycast issues with terrain)
7 Years Ago
EAC update
7 Years Ago
Removed player model convars (exploitable) TrackIR convars are no longer admin-only
7 Years Ago
Fixed extinguish sometimes being called twice on fire / water entities
7 Years Ago
Added pooling support to loot containers and collectables
7 Years Ago
Invoke optimizations
7 Years Ago
Profiler sample around Protobuf.Entity.Deserialize
7 Years Ago
Group profiler by entity name in GroupDestroy
7 Years Ago
Another ArgumentOutOfRangeException
7 Years Ago
Profiler cleanup
7 Years Ago
Stripped Mesh.MarkDynamic entirely because it's retarded
7 Years Ago
Fixed rare ArgumentOutOfRangeException in InvokeHandler
7 Years Ago
Merge from invoke_handler
7 Years Ago
Fixed fucked up profiler sample in SoundManager.RequestSoundInstance
7 Years Ago
No more Mesh.MarkDynamic (DX9 issue)
7 Years Ago
Subtracting 19807
7 Years Ago
More profiler samples for PlayerLoot Only CancelInvoke when needed inside PlayerLoot
7 Years Ago
Furthest foliage cell is correctly forced to lowest LOD
7 Years Ago
Foliage batching cells are as big as the old grass cells
7 Years Ago
Enforce caching of the mesh from procedural foliage placement in the main thread
7 Years Ago
Foliage test
7 Years Ago
Mesh building optimizations
7 Years Ago
Update plant skin parameters after instantiating the skin (pooling)
7 Years Ago
Minor fix in WorldSpaceGrid.GridToWorldCoords
7 Years Ago
Encode instance position offset into texcoord1 on batched meshes
7 Years Ago
Fixed viewmodel bob looking odd (from the optimizations)
7 Years Ago
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7 Years Ago
Enabled entity pooling for tool cupboards
7 Years Ago
Enabled entity pooling for sleeping bags
7 Years Ago
Enabled pooling for decorative entities (rugs etc) Shelves use DecorDeployable and support pooling
7 Years Ago
Enabled entity pooling on furnaces, campfires and light sources
7 Years Ago
Fixed OnSendNetworkUpdate not being called when an entity has no subscribers (for EntityFlag_Toggle, RUST-1567)
7 Years Ago
Presumably fixed vending machines sometimes breaking when placed in doorways (RUST-1574)
7 Years Ago
Fixed viewmodel Z scale of 0.7 causing iron sight offset (bow + crossbow)
7 Years Ago
Fixed all throwable weapons referencing the aim point inside the bow prefab (!)
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago