117,513 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.23cph!
Packed props/large_industrial_props and props/office_furniture materials
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Fixed stray "virtual" in EntityLink
Fixed duplicate editor entity BuildName from previous merge
Subtracting gc_optimizations
Added LOD mesh swapping support to StagedResourceEntity
Fixed ores using the wrong mesh in the distance when partially broken
Reduced texture footprint for water_bottle and de_cactus
Packed fuel_tank and forklift
Paper map now despawn in 5 minutes down from 20 minutes.
Updated / fixed multiple item descriptions
Building blocks no longer share descriptions
updated smallbackpack albedo texture
Merge from gc_optimizations
Fixed fireball prefab path warning
Fixed hacky workaround in fireball entity code to reference the spread entity
Added packed research table and bone armor to test osx bundles
Fixed occasional culling errors when flying around
Added culling show stats to profile collection occupancy
Adjusted culling collection preallocation for less waste
Removed time delay from first occludee visibility check
Fixed culling errors when rejoining a server
Fixed occludees visible when registered to an invisible cell
Added pooling to ColliderGroup / RendererGroup / FoliageGroup (eiliminates GC allocs)
Eliminated a 20B GC alloc from RendererKey.GetHashCode (ShadowCastingMode boxing)
Fixed culling debug randomly disappearing
Packed atlas_wood_stone_metal and stonewall_c to test osx bundles
Cleaned register related gc allocs in occlusion culling
DeferredExtension.OnGUI is ifdef UNITY_EDITOR
Deleting ProfileData (unused)
Eliminated SpecialPurposeCamera GC allocs
Eliminated GC allocs from FPSTimer
EffectRecycle / DecalRecycle cache their invoke actions (eliminates GC allocs once pooled)
Entity links are pooled (eliminates GC allocs)
Removed GC allocs from GetComponentInChildrenIncludeDisabled
Nicer separation of editor-only entity networking cost in the profiler
Rebuilt Facepunch.Network and Facepunch.Raknet plugins
Networkable + Subscriber are pooled (eliminates GC allocs)
Networkable fires events via NetworkHandler interface instead of actions (eliminates GC when subscribing / unsubscribing events)
Deleting Plugins/Facepunch (all part of Facepunch.Network)
BaseNetworkable SaveInfo / LoadInfo are structs (eliminates GC allocs)
Nav grid layer improvements.
Cherry picking improved CreateOrUpdateEntity profiling (22318)
Much more detailed profiling in CreateOrUpdateEntity (ClientSpawn, ClientInit, InitShared etc)
tweaked the ak47 fire ADS animation
More navmesh and agent spawn tweaks
Reverting to legacy EAC API due to server authentication issues