117,475 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.23cph!
Updated merge with how we do things on branch.
Removed Safeguard (we'll deal with this in the spawn handler instead).
ore nodes new files & prefabs
Navmesh agent safeguard should be a server component. Re-enable Kill command.
fixed issue with semi auto pistol vm deploy animation
Commented out Kill command from safeguard.
Delay for retries to put an agent on the navmesh increase in length with each try up till the cap.
Added some more rigorous sanity checks where navmesh agents are concerned.
Added a navmesh agent safeguard that will help agents onto navmeshes, or kill them if they fail.
Subtracting all AI experiments
Fixed NRE when opening workshop from main menu without having joined a server
skin approval + icons
Stairs and foundation steps use more accurate shadow casting proxy meshes
Merge from detailed_stair_colliders
Added water culling volume to launch site basin
Updated some detailed colliders to the new versions
Detailed stair colliders, tiers variations
Detailed stair collider preparations
More navmesh work. Agents now spawn correctly on the navmesh again.
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Navmesh generation is now async.
Fixed ground holes in the rocket factory
Disabled the 2 east lifts in launch_site
More robust agent removal with respect to navmesh management.
Fixed getting server list from the wrong place
Nicer initialization
Server address + Server name for integration
Fix for the rocket factory ground mesh disappearing
Fixed LOD distances on rocket factory objects
Merged Facepunch.Unity changes
Updated Facepunch.Unity (which uses Facepunch.System now)
tundra small rocks no longer have moss (they also show in desert biome)
rock collectables are a tad larger
Use Facepunch.System from plugins folder
viewmodel organisation - clean export for vm
placed some temp safeguards in the lift at rocket factory
More progress on navmesh grid.
Loot barrel impact & gib sounds
Handful of level tweaks