117,474 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.23cph!
Local dynamic navmesh is now aware of when its overlapping a "prevent building" zone, and will increase it's navmesh fidelity when it is. Still a lot of work to do here to make it look good, but it's slightly better.
Added LOD materials to rocket factory prefabs
Rocket factory optimizations
Cheaper occluder
Less materials on LODs
Added cheaper LOD stages to some objects
Reduced number of materials on LODs
Cheaper materials on LODs
Added nav_local convar to allow console control over whether to use full dynamic navmesh generation at the start, or use a local navmesh per npc.
Rocket factory helicopter didnt cull - fixed
Slight quality of visuals tweaks on the Rocket at launchpad (was too degraded, popping)
Optimization pass - Reducing shader complexity and texture memory consumption on many environment assets LODs
Local dynamic navmesh now respect player distance when setting next update interval. If too far away the navmesh isn't updated at all.
Let's encapsulate with UNITY_EDITOR more correctly.
LocalDynamicNavMesh should be server only.
Merged branch to main (Humanoid Npc Planner). Scientist npc wip, cover system, local dynamic navmesh, htn planner wip.
Set up Think AI to reflect that on main.
Let's not forget to commit the deletes...
Removed strips planner.
Removed StagPoint HTN system.
General branch cleanup.
AI put to full dynamic navmesh mode.
Load balanced the Local Dynamic NavMesh baker, that we can better guide what ms budget they're allowed to spend each frame.
Enable/Disable Dynamic NavMesh on bundled/world/ai.prefab now controls whether Local Dynamic NavMesh is used (only if full Dynamic NavMesh is disabled).
Disabled Dynamic Navmesh in world/ai.prefab.
Bootstrap tests whether DynamicNavMesh.Instance.enabled
Added a local version of the dynamic navmesh, where each npc update a local navmesh around them as they move around (experiment).
More progress on HTN in Apex.
Flesh out Scientist HTN a bit more for better plan generation testing.
Make sure actions don't execute on plan generation, but is reserved for plan execution.
fixed player not showing the correct hold pose when he's carrying certain guns.
sealing on of the lift doors to avoid falling to death
added special loot to launch site rooftops
increased barrel spawns at launch site
added repair bench, recycler, research table to launch site
added radiation pockets to launch site
fixed helicopter NRE when disconnecting
fixed NRE on static repair bench when changing skins
added eye bone to helicopter for spectating
It helps to include the spawn files.
adjusted barrel spawn rates
More console autocomplete / history improvements
removed some static road bits before airfield entrance
Re-painting airfield alpha splat
Set walkway mat to two sided
Reverted previous changes (sorry guys not ready, maybe next patch)
Grass LODs fall off with 3D distance instead of 2D distance
Increased culling distance for walkways / prevent them from disappearing in plain view
Grass quality setting affects new grass
Additional LOD's for ceiling supports
Tweaked culling/LOD distances
added F8 framerate rainbow
decreased analytic update frequency
added performance analytics
reverted to blueprints
reverted recoil changes
re-added half block
made raiding impossible and really easy
made all cheating impossible
removed all rng
Can quick-autocomplete in console with tab
Autocomplete no longer prevents going back in the command history
RUST-1711 - invisible wall / blocker / fix attempt