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Updated StagPoint HTN Planner to a version I got from the developer.
Tweaked it's code to work to my benefit / not bug out.
Migrated my code from RC1 to latest version.
Feels a bit too unstable to use in production yet. Learned a lot from it though.
Rocket factory exterior LOD/COL
scene stuff
proper terrain4.asset
Silo occluder is on correct layer now
Fixed jumping distance on jmp puzzle launchpad
Fixed office building ladder angle
Fixed gaps between doors & doorframes, geometry gaps
Planter material fix
Missing rods collision on giant floodlights
Splat painting pass
Rocket factory LOD/COL/Prefabs
First iteration on HTN Planner (agent is not doing much yet).
First iteration of Cover point detection system.
launchsite tweaks, missing ladders
occluders for office buildings, office interiors
fix for RUST-1446 - one sided collider in industrial building g
Rubble pile tint mask + biome tinting
Detail colliders for stairs block
Updated collider of static campfire
Removed FakePhysics (empty script)
Fixed foliage displacement from foundations
Added -rcon.ssl (certificate path, wss)
Added -rcon.sslpwd (certificate password, wss)
bunker rooms for launchsite LODs/COls/Prefabs
scene2prefab launchsite
Changed C4 back to 10/10 seconds timer
Rocket factory LOD/COL/Prefabs
Merge from texture packing
Restored shader lods on packed standard
Packed first material for testing, building/materials/generic/atlas_wood_stone_metal
cliffside topo rock tweaks
Temperate biome has more stone nodes, less metal + sulfur nodes (arid + arctic biomes remain unchanged)
hqm bonus is now 2, relax
Dressing backup, splat painting