116,459 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.22cph!
Moved gameapi stuff to new backend
Fixed BuildingTest save not loading
Fixed grade materials not being always being applied properly
Fixed compile error
Fixed player.IsSprinting not working for other players/server
Fixed player.IsDucked not working for other players/server
Moved MixerSnapshotManager to client instead of Camera (so it works when not in game)
Can remove sleeping bags from death screen
Possible fix NRE in DoClientConnected
Added water level awareness to screen-space water; fix issue #123
Speedtree buildserver crashes (!)
Handle missing map properly on client
Handle maps without terrain properly
Fixed out of order errors
fixed the missing normal map on the viewmodel arms.
First pass at wolf sounds
Implemented Tom's 3 new head meshes
Added map to build settings :x
Spawnhandler doesn't require TerrainGenerator (init'd in Bootstrap)
Components on TerrainMeta adds more components that are probably required
Added non procedural test map (CraggyIsland) (this isn't the one petur is working on, it's a small dev test map)
Horse ragdoll
Stop ragdolls kneeling up on spawn
Loading screen music facility
Fixed tree placeholders
Changed how snapshots are sent (for more reliable loading order)
Fixed changing water mesh parent during OnEnable
Removed water debug messages
bean can grenade fbx + lods + prefabs + textures + materials
implemented dan's gibs for furnace, large storage, small storage,
Fixed potential compilation error in Standard-Specular shader
Second attempt at screen-space water; now working on builds
Gib files for some of the placeable objects/loot objects.
Added missing SpeedTreeImport script
Sign text is now single line only (Unity hates dynamic content http://goo.gl/ZofrPD)
Missing horse corpse prefab
Speedtree perf lockdown
- Automatically try to set the tree LODs (unification)
- Make sure all Speedtrees are labelled Speedtree
- Disable Smooth LOD transitions (perf test)
- Set Alpha Cutoff properly
- Switch shader to defaults (invert this when we're ready)
- Limit billboard texture size to 1024, disable mipmapping
- Force tree networking global (fixes pop in on some trees)
- Force tree layer to Trees
- Inverted TreeMesh placeholder behaviour
shaderlod now targets only specific shaders
Fixed pillar render distance #118
Lowering sign resolution (crash test)
Network proto++
Added horse animal
imporoved the bandage other animation so it's longer and matches the bandage self anim.
tweaked the blending for the salvaged axe animation.
Changed the burlap headwrap to use the standard shader. Also fixed some shading errors on the model
bunch of world models for salv. axe/ hunting bow/ eoka pistol / thompson / and more..
Reverting screenspace water
3 new heads fbx's, prefabs + materials
Explosions raycast so you can take cover from them now
+ c4 won't destroy all the boxes in someones house when placed on the outside
Added optional screen space based water, enabled by default; reduces precision requirements; fix for issue #29