
116,434 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.22cph!

10 Years Ago
fixed crystals having 0 health and they now use ore protection values
10 Years Ago
balanced ammo crafting times to be arond 10-15 seconds
10 Years Ago
fixed the positioning of the guns so it doesnt look like the player is about to shoot his own hand off
10 Years Ago
Fixed player rendering distance
10 Years Ago
updated manifest
10 Years Ago
further fix for peeking head through rocks to place sleeping bags grenade throw animation bandage/syringe use self/use other animations implemented in third person
10 Years Ago
fixed minor bug with the 3rd person syringe anims
10 Years Ago
changed the 3rd person medical syringe animations so they match the bandage wrap anims
10 Years Ago
added animation for bandage wrapping other players for the view model / third person
10 Years Ago
Icons for barricades & camera
10 Years Ago
concrete and sandbags barricades
10 Years Ago
you can now jump out of water onto small ledges
10 Years Ago
Fixed NRE in ClientRPC Fixed NRE in BaseNPC.OnAttacked Fixed NRE in SetParent on server startup Fixed NRE in EligibleForWounding Ignore exceptions containing <RI.Hid> Ignor exceptions containing RectTransform.set_anchorMin Fixed NRE in SkinnedMeshCollider with eoka
10 Years Ago
Added overflow checks to string to int conversion
10 Years Ago
Merge from main
10 Years Ago
Fixed BeginSample with no EndSample
10 Years Ago
Ragdoll tweaks
10 Years Ago
Merged 7283 to main
10 Years Ago
Subtracting 7282 (replaced meta files, breaks dependancies)
10 Years Ago
Profiling + Performance Added server.aihandlerms Added server.itemdespawn Fixed ragdoll stutter
10 Years Ago
Fixing previous checkin
10 Years Ago
Changed Urban set, Basic set, and armors to use the new clothing shader. Added Urban hat and jeans prefabs. Fixed some vertex normals on the burlap shirt. Fixed some specular/gloss issues on various pieces from the Urban, Basic, and armor sets. Moved Basic set textures and materials to a more sensible directory.
10 Years Ago
Performance fixes
10 Years Ago
Reducing the ragdoll quality (perf)
10 Years Ago
tweaked the pistol/rifle turn in place animations tweaked the crouchwalk animations and the jump forward animation. added run lean animations for the bow / hatchet
10 Years Ago
fixed thompson viewmodel clipping fixed ak47 world model LOD fixed ak47 muzzle offset
10 Years Ago
Cleaned up menu background
10 Years Ago
Fixed TriggerHurtEx exception when doing stuff in physics callback Dropped items stick around for longer
10 Years Ago
Don't play camera snap effect because we don't have a sound - and the steam screenshot stuff makes the sound anyway
10 Years Ago
health regen radiation limit adjusted
10 Years Ago
Fixed manboobs showing through clothes in editor
10 Years Ago
Fixed some items being instant-craft + added warnings
10 Years Ago
radiation damage regression fix
10 Years Ago
guitar icon
10 Years Ago
clothing has some minor radiation protection
10 Years Ago
radiation balance grenade balance explosives use multiple damage types
10 Years Ago
Fixed WoundingEnd bugs (thans bawng
10 Years Ago
grenade bounce sound is no longer 2d added grenade icon
10 Years Ago
OSX decal shader fix
10 Years Ago
Strip all effects from playermodel when disabling/enabling (fixes hurt fx on respawn) Fixed some trigger bugs Added TriggerHurtEx (can hurt based on movement, play effects) Added TriggerMovement (can modify player's movement) Barricades slow players movement Barricades deal damage based on movement Added wooden barricade with barbed wire Added metal barricade Updated phrases and lootspawn tables
10 Years Ago
Minor fix in the two new radtown prefabs Updated game manifest
10 Years Ago
merge from main
10 Years Ago
some rope texture definition improvements
10 Years Ago
Merge from procgen7.1
10 Years Ago
Merge from main
10 Years Ago
Protocol++ (network + save)
10 Years Ago
Only start placing bridges that can actually be completed
10 Years Ago
Prefab auto-updates (removed parameter)
10 Years Ago
Increased river terrain height modifier fade distance
10 Years Ago
Reduced overhang density Tweaked river rock density and dithering