115,467 Commits over 3,959 Days - 1.22cph!
Rotation changes to stone hatchet world prefab
Removed sound player script from thrown melee projectile prefabs ( being called from anima event on effect spawned)
attempting to repair unrepairable items no longer kicks you from the game
adjusted autoturret collision
fixed exploits where you could stand ontop of an autoturret and prevent it from shooting you
Doors/gates use animations (client and serverside)
DoorAnimEvents (alex will need to make new sounds for these, since they have open/close now instead of just open)
New rig for doors in Parts/doors.rig/
Doors now have the pivot where the hinge bone is
Added doors guide meshes for construction guides
New rig for gate doors
Gates models separated to be attached to bones
Crouch/Walk in water wake VFX added.
Rain VFX looks 35% wetter.
Doors use animations
Doors are animated on server
Removed redundant Construction_Trigger layer
Model and Animator components aren't culled on server (might cause issues)
F6 draw colliders is now a toggle
Fixed napalm prefab error
F6 draws Box Colliders too
Leave footprints even when crouching
Leave barefoot footprints when not wearing boots
FileStorage, memory caching
Should fix the +-* thing proper
Updated RustBuilder, uses 5.2.2p1, formats version date using local time instead of UTC
Some polish on the painting screen offsets for some signs
Vertex Alpha weighing on banner meshes for further use with disp shader
Fixed uiscale not working
Fixed SpawnHandler issues with World.Size 0 (TestPlane map)
Fixed numpad keys changing graphics setting when typing in chat etc
Water Impact VFX for all animals and player.
Hatchet, Stone hatchet, & Stone pickaxe are now throwable
changes to rock projectile
Added working tint const color to Particles/Refraction
Added Particles/Tint Refraction that extends Particles/Refraction with per-texel RGB tint
banner nmap meta changes
banners LODs, COls, Gibs, Mats
updated phrases
updated loot tables
turret has 12 ammo slots & proper loot panel
nerfed heli rockets explosive damage (less damage to buildings, same damage to players)
10% reduction in heli bullet damage
explosives will now destroy turrets
turret can never be placed on terrain
turret can be repaired with hammer
turrets wont target other turrets
can no longer loot turret while online
turret will no longer track targets when shot and offline
increased explosive protection
fixed turret high network usage
fixed turret not destroying when foundation was destroyed under it
turret will not track players that are no longer visible to it
turret will no longer aggro on authed players who attack it
Merge from shadow batching