250,106 Commits over 3,959 Days - 2.63cph!
roll back the addon system change from x64 as it causes issues with linux srcds shutdown
fixed searchlight emission
fixed water pistol material I just broke
Remove Sandbox.Source.Server
Add Sandbox.Entity
Added interopgen cast flag
Fixed interopgen always trying to cast classes to void*
GameUIFuncs.AddPanoramaView cast fix
undef GetClassName
Proxy CEntityFactoryDictionary::Create through managed
Rescaled altered waterpistol texture
Minor tweaks to liquid shader and mats, added backface of tape to watergun
Fixed negative scaling roadsign warnings at compound and bandit camp
Merge from building_blocks_2020
Better audio bundle (fixes a random build server issue that required SoundPlayer / SoundDefinition assets to have explicit bundle assignments)
an extremely rushed and rough attempt to bring Hapis up to date with Airwolf and vehicles, if anyone asks I did not do this
separate world model for sunglasses so pivot is centred
rescaled beach_chair, collision and gibs so they aren't so long and wide
Reduced engine components crafting costs
Reduced T2 and T3 engine comp vendor costs
Fixed wooden external gate barbwire not damaging the player (layer issue)
New convars for saving and loading a set of gear onto players for cinematics:
"inventory.saveLoadout" saves the currently equipped belt and wear inventories into a file
"inventory.deployLoadout" applies a saved loadout onto the given player
"inventory.deployLoadoutInRange" applies a saved loadout onto all players in a radius
One more change to repel trigger
Fix more settings on RepelTrigger
Fix repel trigger IgnoreMounted setting
Add entity validity check to TriggerMount
Merge new mount trigger used in modular car seating. Revert #
52369. Simplify TriggerHurtNotChild.
New TriggerMount that mounts players inside the trigger
Simplify TriggerHurtNotChild
Removed double tube gibs
Revert gib meshes
New protection properties for paddling pool that makes it extremely vulnerable to slash, stab and bullet damage
Copied the tube gib fx to the pool
Updated pool collider to remove ladder and adjusted ladder volume
Add two ramp colliders to the stairs on the pool for smoother movement
Replaced ripple particle with displacement component on board and tube
Increased car protection vs basic damage types (blunt/slash/stab)
Subtract sleeper fall-through fix, as we don't want sleepers in HAB or scrap heli to fall through.
Fixed car push not working at extreme, low angles
WIP particle hookup for board and tube
Fixed vehicle lift UI not showing all repair components
Switch one frame to Tom's new model
Further increase engine internal item health
Increased car fuel consumption
Try a naive fix for the LightEx NRE errors
Properly fix NRE in VehicleEditingPanel
tutorial forced death
tutorial tweaks
tutorial speech tweak
Fixed camera positioning bug in co-op if player1 uses mouse input
Color balance tweaks for new grass
Sharpened certain plants to bring out the texture details
Fix for Temperate_Grass_a not spawning
Fix NRE for entities which do not have a network group