116,274 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.22cph!
[D11][UI] Fixes and adjustments to the Create server screen
RF receiver save/load fix
[D11] Increase default values for camera sensitivity
[D11] [UI] Changed community hub from nested prefab to standard object within main menu prefab to fix build error.
door knocker animator setup, added 'knock' anim events
[D11] [UI] Mouse input on longer taken into consideration for radial menus. (should prevent snapping).
[D11][UI] Auto Select first icon of a loot Pane when opening
[D11] [UI] sped up the options carousel transition 2x
[D11] [UI] Added fallback string for json content on community hub for when server responds with empty information. Added WIP icons to non-functional buttons on community hub.
[D11] [UI] the connection strength indicator will now be hidden by default on the hud and will now only show if you're having latency issues
Attempt to fix insane server asset bundle build time
[D11] [UI] added some wip icons to the server list screen
[D11] [UI] Added checks for playfab sending empty data in response to requests. Added new sprite-sheet for pie radial menu building icons. Removed need for item icon shader on radial menu. Added WIPIcon to resources folder so we can access it through parser (temporarily).
[D11] [UI] altered the controls ui to match the updated config b controls
also locked off the about servers screen and rust credits screen
detonator effect and sound folders
Merge with d11_console_version
Subtracted shader updates because of macOS; postponed for Metal
[D11] [Tutorial] Tom's objective Changes.
[D11] Network protocol header added to all web requests (Rustworks and Playfab).
[D11] Fix for crash when holding the select button on a server entry button
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[D11] Updated version to 2018.3.2
[D11][UI] Create Server menu text validation
[D11] [UI] fix for trigger icons not changing to ps4 icons on ps4 builds on the my stats and the connected players screens
fixed a typo in an options screen hint string
[D11][UI] Crafting screen sort categories changes
[D11] another fix for prefab unloading
[D11] [UI] stopped input while the controller screen is open in game
Ignore "kinematic bodies with CCD enabled are not supported! CCD will be ignored." bullshit error because a million things are temporarily setting rigidbodies to kinematic on the server
Only spawn PerformanceUI on the client
[D11] [Tutorial] Removed trees to see hill better adjusted lighting in cave.
[D11] Profanity check platform API support.
A couple more gc allocs removed
Remove gc allocs in PerformanceUI
Scientist Corpse error fix
Fixed shader-related cliff flickering