249,466 Commits over 3,959 Days - 2.63cph!
Correct prefab, underwater dweller.
Increase tunnel dweller listen range so they react to nearby rooms
Added BaseAIBrain.OnStateChanged().
ScientistBrain now sets correct relaxed flags based on state.
old bench - gib adjustment
Old bench - now has full set of gibs
Merge branch 'master' of sbox-game
Desert military base scenes, road layout and perimeter walls placement
Added decay to deployed cassette recorder
Added world model overrides to ItemDefinition based on stack size, so we can use different world models for different stack sizes
Should be arranged in descending order, so smallest stack size -> largest
Don't process depth of field if a conversation is happening via phone
Initial support for triggering NPC conversations via phone
Required PhoneController refactors
Added OnFlagsChanged, ServerInit, PostServerLoad, DoServerDestroy, Save and Load callbacks to EntityComponentBase (this removes a lot of duplicate boilerplate on MobilePhone and Telephone scripts)
Add sfm to vgc groups
Fix some SFM features hidden behind game feature sets
Don't add physics body runtime to model builder if there's no shapes to add. Fixes #693
Fixed WorkCarts decaying in the maintenance tunnel. Side path is now marked as part of the train station.
Don't need to update lights every tick in Home.Avatar
Render.DrawScene throws exception when trying to use textures that aren't render targets
Started sound bindinds
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Mark rendering changed when setting light component Brightness, BrightnessMultiplier, Range so that they're updated properly when client only
Hammer: Tool buttons get blocked after closing map even if another map is opened
Fix incorrect Screen.GetDirection
Dirt mounds set models/prefabs/textures
Citizen/animgraph: added draw animations to weapon branches
Fix ModelBuilder.AddCollisionHull crash
Don't render the minimap at all for the moment - performance is too bad right now
Added ability to click the minimap to move the camera there
Set clear color to black on minimap
Restore angular velocity too when breaking something with car
Fix NRE when player disconnects while driving
Fix shiny_white.vmat
recompile car.vmdl to see if it stops erroring for some people
Render.DrawScene can set clear color
Hammer: Fix use all threads setting not being used for all vrad3 work
Oak trees / art source backup
Hammer: Add checkbox to use all available threads for vrad3
MiniMap stub
Merge branch 'master' of sbox-rts
Fixed more warnings related to the new ButtonPromptIcon prefabs
Got rid of some legacy prefabs
Support for embedded button prompts in world-space text
First pass at making speech bubbles world space
Replaced a bunch of old button prompts with the new prefab
New speech bubbles are mostly working
Citizen & animgraph updates
fixed missing face on tank
Updated building icons to be give more information
Added [Event.Entity.PostSpawn] - triggers after all map entities spawn
added bespoke raw and cooked fish models and added to prefabs
Added the Trading Centre and Supply Lines technology. The Trading Centre just piggybacks off the ability system.
Fixed errors in tech definitions. Added Multi Item Icon display.
Merge branch 'master' of sbox-rts
Should fix the right hand fingers curls in VR
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
trading centre temp model
Merge branch 'master' of sbox-rts