
111,485 Commits over 3,928 Days - 1.18cph!

9 Years Ago
Effects are bundled automatically, labelled automatically Viewmodel animation effects state an effect name only, component defines the folder path
9 Years Ago
Savas radtowns.
9 Years Ago
Powerplant scene update, collision updates, more stairs barriers
9 Years Ago
Clientside entities are SetActive( true) AFTER loading. This might cause errors in some components that expect Awake/Load to be called before Load'ing - but I think it's more logical for components that want to do stuff dependant on the entity in OnEnable Added BaseMonoBehaviour (MonoBehaviour with some logging stuff) Weapon switching DisableFlag is predicted
9 Years Ago
Savas loot locations.
9 Years Ago
merge from main
9 Years Ago
More fences and sewers parts, conc slabs, industrial buildings collisions Updated powerplant level, pivots cleanup
9 Years Ago
Savas triplet radtown.
9 Years Ago
Added reverse lookup for batched mesh colliders
9 Years Ago
Savas roads.
9 Years Ago
Merge from main
9 Years Ago
tweaked the wounded animations so they blend into the "get up" animation better. the player will pick a random wounded animation when he's shot (except for a headshot)
9 Years Ago
relax gesture for hatchet weapon hold.
9 Years Ago
Env sync tweaks and fixes
9 Years Ago
Very slight progress
9 Years Ago
Compile fix
9 Years Ago
Pixelate shader no longer falls back to black rectangle on low shader levels
9 Years Ago
Don't run event schedule while still loading
9 Years Ago
Env sync smooth approach
9 Years Ago
Fixed objectpool creating unityui mahem on stopping play in the editor
9 Years Ago
Savas pre-road
9 Years Ago
updated ocean mat
9 Years Ago
Added clouds to reflection probe
9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
Cliff block, 9 & 10 cull fix.
9 Years Ago
Missing file.
9 Years Ago
Savas progress.
9 Years Ago
Added collider grid with load balancing Added collider mesh batching
9 Years Ago
Starting item mods
9 Years Ago
increased decay delay to 18 hours instead of 12
9 Years Ago
fix for all decay timings being twig decay, whoops
9 Years Ago
fixed a bug with the relax gestures
9 Years Ago
Bush creeps can now hide from players running low quality setting.
9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
tweaked some of the wounded animations and sound fx added a relax gesture for when the player is unarmed
9 Years Ago
Fixed water related delays / shore issues when switching weapon
9 Years Ago
Added smoke and embers VFX to T2 Furnace
9 Years Ago
Reduce building gib sound volume a bit
9 Years Ago
Added sticky gizmos option to TerrainCollisionTrigger
9 Years Ago
Fixed news not showing
9 Years Ago
Projectiles keep history of the bones they've hit
9 Years Ago
Fixed friends list not clearng old friends Fixes NRE in news source Fixed NRE in trackir commands Disabled some error reports (server mods, FMOD errors) Slight fix for inventory opening hitch (need to review exactly how we display blueprints)
9 Years Ago
Added overrides for Unity's built-in Standard shaders that don't fallback to forward-only rendering in lower LOD Fixed "see through walls"; updated all existing materials to use overrides
9 Years Ago
improved smoke_signal FX
9 Years Ago
Oak material improvements. Downsized some blank textures to 32.
9 Years Ago
Fixed SSAO not aware of custom g-buffer normal encoding
9 Years Ago
Tweaked DamageUtil line of sight check for tiny distances
9 Years Ago
disable lazy aim for hands and stuff
9 Years Ago
Fixed C4 line of sight check
9 Years Ago
Increased projectile min hit delta to account for the full projectile diameter