256,229 Commits over 3,990 Days - 2.68cph!
added F8 framerate rainbow
decreased analytic update frequency
added performance analytics
reverted to blueprints
reverted recoil changes
re-added half block
made raiding impossible and really easy
made all cheating impossible
removed all rng
Fix weapon and health pickups
Can quick-autocomplete in console with tab
Autocomplete no longer prevents going back in the command history
RUST-1711 - invisible wall / blocker / fix attempt
Less absurd ore spawns on Hapis
Really fixed grass missing on first connect (RUST–1719)
RUST-1726 - Missing walls / floor at military tunnels
Fix getting stuck in walls
Can't create gang if already in gang
Can't edit emblem unless gang leader
Fixed rocket scaffolding loading issues
Better solution for using collision entities for controllables movement
updated wood worldmodel & lods
GameSession performance info
A whole lot of dressing optim and distance tweakage
Performance rainbow
Analytics, send performance info
Gang join / leave
Gang Emblem saving
Fixed player movement getting stuck on walls
Added HealthPickup
Test gamemode cleanup
Allow controllable to use separate entities for collision
Log warnings instead of errors when a DSE element reference is null, skip over them in evaluation
Removed creeping plants from rocket factory interior for performance reasons
Screenshake lerp strength by distance from origin
Tree felling sound, tweaks
Simplified material setup for rocket factory interior
Coal piles use gravel colliders instead of solid rock
More scene bugs
map db tool now sets the map title to the map filename if there's none specified
wip mapdb stuff to handle the different modes, tool to build map DB
Branching for wip map database improvements
Potential fix for RUST-1724
No-wrapped some light textures
Scene bugzzz
Fixed JIRA bugs
Fixed missing coliders
Adjusted LOD/cull distances
Adjusted misaligned collision/rendermeshes
Fixed grass missing on first connect
static doors differentiate from normal doors in texture (burnt/dirty)
Removed pointless distance check from PlayerModel.cs SpineIK (just use net distance)
Fixed yuge wood worldmodel
Fixed bulge around junkpiles
static doors remaining doors version
Moved missing api descriptions to steam_api_missing.json (was defined in code)
Added SteamAPI_RestartAppIfNecessary to missing
Made SteamNative.SteamApi less hacky to initialize
Added Client.RestartIfNecessary
Screen shake distance is 20
Don't screenshake unless source is within a max distance of camera