256,234 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!

8 Years Ago
More UI hookup, emblem editing now works.
8 Years Ago
Compile fix
8 Years Ago
Resource layer fixes
8 Years Ago
Various events refactoring/cleanup
8 Years Ago
new pine felled setup
8 Years Ago
Merge from save146
8 Years Ago
Tree felling force tweaks
8 Years Ago
Testable Hapis
8 Years Ago
New lift prefabs Updated manifest
8 Years Ago
Merge from main
8 Years Ago
This changed
8 Years Ago
Updated manifest file Potential lift fix
8 Years Ago
Fixed sales info not showing
8 Years Ago
fixed bug with players not showing their correct spine orientation at short distances
8 Years Ago
Server list now comes from manifest Fixed server connect issue
8 Years Ago
New aggregate urls Templates Sales names Set id's as md5s, since they're just hashes anyway Latest Fixed other urls Removing trigger history Analytics force closing detection Cleanup
8 Years Ago
Updated spawn prefabs (some stuff for Barren and some reordering)
8 Years Ago
Removing some old unused prefabs
8 Years Ago
Updated Facepunch bits
8 Years Ago
viewmodel organisation - clean export for medical syringe
8 Years Ago
Fixed rocket factory tower lod distance
8 Years Ago
Network++ Save++
8 Years Ago
directional armour is now calculated and saved in UnitDmgInfo AI will now prefer attacking and moving to attack locations that let them attack units from weaker sides (sides/back) where possible
8 Years Ago
Include updated sessions in query Latest Session force closing
8 Years Ago
this one slipped through commits
8 Years Ago
Lift colider fix Launch site Scene2Prefab
8 Years Ago
More aggressive lods on rocket factory objects and walkways
8 Years Ago
Fixed typing an N or M while commenting causing sfx / music to mute
8 Years Ago
chunkier barrel hit sound barrel gib effect pickup items play a sound instead of moving to inventory silently gibs have an 'explode' option to push them away from the source object
8 Years Ago
lifts were missing a decal renderer script
8 Years Ago
Removed unused feedback icons
8 Years Ago
Driftwood can be gathered
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
Optimised RegenerateAnimDataNeighbours(), moved when it happens to make stage loading smoother
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
renamed Practice button to Play A.I and make it not editor-only
8 Years Ago
Added MovementDirectionScorer which scores tiles favourably the further up/down the board they are from the unit, based on the advance/retreat flag
8 Years Ago
Removing greybox models left from prototyping time
8 Years Ago
mtl fix on old train crane added grass displacement to Trash-pile-1 otherwise lost in grass
8 Years Ago
Lifts / roofless variants
8 Years Ago
driftwood material tweaks
8 Years Ago
Working on async stage loading - done for Octopus Robot stage now uses async loading SatelliteUnit now loads asynchronously Can now rotate Pxcs before they load, Tentacle stage now loads asynchronously Laser stage now loads asynchronously Wheel stage now loads asynchronously Mine stage now loads asynchronously Merge branch 'stage-async' Merge branch 'master' into stage-async Fixed desync caused by the new stage loading system Fixed debug comment file becoming unreadable
8 Years Ago
Merge from main
8 Years Ago
Cherry picking 21442 and 21443 Adjusted temperate biome ore distribution (50% stone, 25% metal, 25% sulfur instead of 33% each)
8 Years Ago
More restrictive analytics
8 Years Ago
TileScorer can now collate individual tile scorers to get a combined list of tile values AI now prefers higher terrain when moving as default action
8 Years Ago
Latest Data Footer height Cleaner footer
8 Years Ago
Merge from main
8 Years Ago
Adjusted ore spawn rules so they really only spawn near rock formations
8 Years Ago
PrefabParameters is now a PrefabAttribute