256,410 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!
Added MeshManager.createEmpty() and MeshManager.copyElement()
adding what's new screenshot
Map is now voxelly looking
Rocket scaffolding LODs/COL
added number of sleeping positions to the building descriptions
Better serializing / sync of crimes to client.
Updated Facepunch.Steamworks
Added Jetpack
Removed a ContainsKey usage in Unit.Audio, added debug logging to PooledAudioSource
Added ExposeToRadial bool on BaseBehaviourPlanSettings, checked in PlayerController+Commands routines for evaluating commands for the UI
exit on sneak idle if isSneaking = false to stop units staying in sneak pose for too long
Use https for database, feedback
Disabled wip trajectory display.
Unit key text.
mine bomb exploding
bomb timers dont trigger if destroyed
units try to stay in bounds
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Facepunch/SpaceUsurperUnity
Whats New data file entry.
Settings fix.
Fixed bad weather widget icon positions
Removing my temp profiling
adding number to unit health frame, wip game mode icon stuff, highlight new icon prefab etc...
GameModeDefinition can specify minimum number of male and female tribes people created when using the random mode
Tweaked server side weapon cooldown verification
added ui assets
cut up concept assets and added to ui folder
Emoji are working
Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity
Removed Pxc compression script
Reduced grenade bounciness
Actually fixed weather event icons positioning
UI tweaks
Tweaked grenade physics material (no sliding, only tumbling)
Tweaked grenade weight and throw velocity
Fixed grenade explosion rotation