256,418 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!
Emoji are working
Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity
Removed Pxc compression script
Reduced grenade bounciness
Actually fixed weather event icons positioning
UI tweaks
Tweaked grenade physics material (no sliding, only tumbling)
Tweaked grenade weight and throw velocity
Fixed grenade explosion rotation
Temp extra profiling in console. Will remove later. Also doubled auto save time to 10 mins.
Add console redraw profiling.
Do the SteamServer update tick actually in Update rather than in an InvokeRepeating copy. The problem with InvokeRepeating was that if the framerate tanked, InvokeRepeating just queued up, so at low framerates instead of getting less SteamServer .Update calls, we were getting 10,20, whatever per frame, tanking things even further.
Also going by the recommendation in the Facepunch.Steamworks.Server code here to call update "at least once every frame".
Sync improvement experiments
Sphere, box, capsule collision shape entities used for triggers
Mission option instances return their phone numbers to the pool.
Merging in my server performance work so far.
ores have a smash effect when changing stages
spawn mine bomb
cleaned up unit spawning
refactored unit spawning some more
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Facepunch/SpaceUsurperUnity
included circleinstanced shader
disable units during setup that shouldnt autospawn
Increase max draw distance for Hammer
jenkinsfile b10 because build server has no license
Fixed weather widget event icons lerping back to start positions when being re-used
Fixed menu button not setting gamestate correctly
"camera" text doesn't force render over 3D map view in hammer (same as 2d views)
Sales data aggregation
ui mockups
added inventory and ui mockups to node grid concept
Disabling graphics jobs
Jenkinfiles 2017.1.0f1'
Fixed missing shader in standalone builds
Forgot a prefab in changeset
Can hold down LMB to continously hit with hammer
Case sensitive rename (1/2)
Case sensitive rename (2/2)
Case sensitive rename (1/2)
Case sensitive rename (2/2)
Fixed possible exception when pausing
Disabled FollowCamera's "zoom to map" feature
Various MapCamera tweaks
WIP Overview map fog of war
Fixed wood world model collider rotation being off compared to visuals
Fixed slight grass displacement choppiness when moving
Fixed dropped items not displacing grass when rotating (changed displacement mask to projection)
Optimized grass displacement by separating moving and static meshes
Fixed burlap sack world models spazzing out
Fixed occlusion culling on roof parts
Picker selections in hammer use software skinning/lighting for studiomdl
Stripped rigidbodies from a gazillion worldmodel prefabs, storing mass on world model component
Fixed comment input popping up for a frame when watching a replay
Fixed comments being visible in the main menu after leaving a replay
Rocket factory door LOD/COL/Prefab