256,438 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!

8 Years Ago
ui mockups added inventory and ui mockups to node grid concept
8 Years Ago
input manager tweaks
8 Years Ago
Disabling graphics jobs Jenkinfiles 2017.1.0f1'
8 Years Ago
Fixed missing shader in standalone builds
8 Years Ago
Forgot a prefab in changeset 21249
8 Years Ago
Can hold down LMB to continously hit with hammer
8 Years Ago
Case sensitive rename (1/2) Case sensitive rename (2/2) Case sensitive rename (1/2) Case sensitive rename (2/2) Fixed possible exception when pausing
8 Years Ago
Disabled FollowCamera's "zoom to map" feature Various MapCamera tweaks WIP Overview map fog of war
8 Years Ago
Fixed wood world model collider rotation being off compared to visuals
8 Years Ago
Fixed slight grass displacement choppiness when moving Fixed dropped items not displacing grass when rotating (changed displacement mask to projection) Optimized grass displacement by separating moving and static meshes
8 Years Ago
Fixed burlap sack world models spazzing out
8 Years Ago
Latest data
8 Years Ago
Import sales data code
8 Years Ago
Fixed occlusion culling on roof parts
8 Years Ago
Picker selections in hammer use software skinning/lighting for studiomdl
8 Years Ago
Stripped rigidbodies from a gazillion worldmodel prefabs, storing mass on world model component
8 Years Ago
Fixed comment input popping up for a frame when watching a replay
8 Years Ago
Fixed comments being visible in the main menu after leaving a replay
8 Years Ago
Rocket factory door LOD/COL/Prefab
8 Years Ago
Dressing backup
8 Years Ago
Washed lube off dropped items
8 Years Ago
Some more WebGL error fixes
8 Years Ago
Meta files Fixed some WebGL build errors
8 Years Ago
Dropped items displace grass around them
8 Years Ago
Updated compressed Pxc
8 Years Ago
More projects page cleanups
8 Years Ago
Reduced rarity of burnt meat from "Uncommon" to "Common" (despawns faster when dropped)
8 Years Ago
Dressing backup
8 Years Ago
Launch site warehouse awning and tweaks
8 Years Ago
Added play button to blog videos
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
Steeper curve to scale item despawn time based on item rarity (i.e. rare items despawn even slower)
8 Years Ago
Enabled foliage distance fadeout (toggled via vcolor.b like displacement)
8 Years Ago
User town/country Templates Project tags
8 Years Ago
Can now see the pause menu in replays, with help text hidden Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity
8 Years Ago
Tinting and placement improvements
8 Years Ago
Fixed biome seasons not being properly applied on start
8 Years Ago
Nicer team list Trail Park Boys joke Improved project list
8 Years Ago
Rocket factory grounds, replaced game objects with prefabs
8 Years Ago
Major improvements to my CharacterState and InputMessage reuse code.
8 Years Ago
some refactoring with unit/pxc destroy & disable merged DontStartActive into DontAutoSpawn
8 Years Ago
Launch site warehouse LOD/COL/prefabs
8 Years Ago
Clamped prison sentence, added release all console command.
8 Years Ago
shader variants
8 Years Ago
Merged from main/humanoidNPC branch.
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
Unlocked all resolutions, updated jenkins file for 5.6.2f1
8 Years Ago
Clamp resolution setting value between 0 and currently available resolution count
8 Years Ago
Use vertex color B channel to scale displacement