256,494 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!
Merging the latest from Main
Show link to beta signup page
Extra checks on CharacterEyes
Only show beta page if enabled
Beta signup should now work
Reverted my bootstrap reload code. Returning to menu can be handled properly at a later date. See: Untitled_Game_Issues/issues/117
Respawn at a proper position when released from jail
updating new capture point / texture/material/ curve text script etc
AI Planner: Idling being less stupid, more vivid memory of recent targets and better equipped to deal with unseen attackers.
health bar dmg wip
fixed NRE with the wip trajectory stuff to stop it spamming
unit mini frame prefab links
Click to respawn, added get first and random spawn point
Fixing up a couple of other things that were borked in CLIENT+SERVER mode
Fixed CharacerState not repooling in Client+Server mode. This was an old issue that I only just discovered.
Added pool size checking (editor only) to make sure we can't break pooling without noticing.
Update bindinggen, update binds to use unreal modifier and objectmap
Add an `unreal` modifier to use an object map, fixes some bugs too
Using pooling with InputMessage to save on a lot of garbage. Still testing this one.
Added scene for paul to edit roads with
You now get transported to jail on death if you're wanted
Server garbage gen reduction
Messing with crime detection radius
Increased density of position samples (but not calculating path to all of them).
reflected line particle direction correct
Ai planning experiments continues. Added Idling and some tweaks.
Email tagging, subaccount
More AI Planning experiments. They now seek cover when they run low on ammo and reload, they will know when they're partially in cover, advance their cover toward your position or retreat in cover when hurt.
Get applist
Added ServerInit class, changed how servers are initialized
3rd person player anim tweaks
3rd person player anim tweaks
Fixed prediction errors in weapon_357
Move managed ConVars/ConCommands to lua_shared module - now properly removed/saved on disconnect again
hud now shows starts when wanted
Fixed Friend.IsOnline not working, added IsAway, IsBusy, IsSnoozing
More social links for users
Data update
Facet a bunch of extra stuff
Bucket by changeset
Updated data
copy selected pixel range to clipboard
deleted non-compressed files
dont look for _compressed files
pxc offset is a property now
unit core dont collide with player when prev core destroyed