256,509 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!

8 Years Ago
Now using a compressed format for Pxc source files
8 Years Ago
Fixed Pxc anim compression
8 Years Ago
Fixed 4 small Lua issues - Typo in ai_schedule.lua, leftovers in ragdoll_motion.lua & balloon.lua, bug in dcategorycollapse.lua
8 Years Ago
Fixed 4 small issues Fixes garrysmod-issues/issues/3223 Fixes garrysmod-issues/issues/3226 Fixes garrysmod-issues/issues/3224 Fixes garrysmod-issues/issues/3225
8 Years Ago
super buggy wip trajectory display
8 Years Ago
Rocket factory grounds / dressing progress / silo COL, LOD's, prefabs / grounds loot spawners
8 Years Ago
trajectory display tests
8 Years Ago
Unit bar button transition effects now manually controlled
8 Years Ago
Updated how wanted works.
8 Years Ago
Removed ClearSelectedUnit(), now call SetSelectedUnit(null) instead. Removed tile clearing from this and separated it. Unitbar selection stuff works mostly.
8 Years Ago
Unit selection stuff
8 Years Ago
Updated native plugins for Linux (built with older version for backwards compatibility)
8 Years Ago
Unit bar portraits now responsd to hover events. Input ignores unit hover events if there's a unit portrait hovered
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
Fixed PathFollower.Compute leaking Lua references
8 Years Ago
Reduced slasher damage to 3 per unit, Grabber now uses it's attack def damage. Update attack descriptions for both units.
8 Years Ago
tweak mini unit frame hover speed and in range color
8 Years Ago
Automated Windows Build
8 Years Ago
Manual Linux Build (Ubuntu 14.04.5)
8 Years Ago
animate invuln pixel toggle
8 Years Ago
setup new mini unit frame with anim/texture etc
8 Years Ago
Killed all the garbage generation from NetworkStats. Keys were NetworkMessageTypes but enums cause boxing when doing comparisons, generating garbage. Switched to using ints which eliminates the garbage
8 Years Ago
Has to remove all WaitForEndOfFrame use on the server due to this regression bug in the latest Unity version breaking it when in batchmode: https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/issues/waitforendofframe-doesnt-execute-in-batchmode-on-built-project
8 Years Ago
Get rid of outline warnings
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
OUtlineEffect for client only. Fix NRE on built Server
8 Years Ago
Allow building debug server without building release version as well
8 Years Ago
▌▇▄██▋▌ ▋▊▆▉
8 Years Ago
world setup stuff
8 Years Ago
Wanted level stuff
8 Years Ago
Units only register for entity updates if they're GameActivated Fix for recent squad editor errors
8 Years Ago
placeholder hit recoils work again
8 Years Ago
Placeholder scale effect for gamemode value changes
8 Years Ago
Did some work to make it possible to successfully quit a game and rejoin (or join another one) on the client. The server can rely on the fact that it loads once and never changes levels, but the client can't, and it needs to clean up statics and the bootstrap scene correctly.
8 Years Ago
Disabled web gl build stage
8 Years Ago
Some compression fixes
8 Years Ago
Slasher now flips surrounding enemies away from itself before doing damage
8 Years Ago
Instance null check that's needed on exit in C+S mode
8 Years Ago
Removed camera effect pack
8 Years Ago
Missed a file in the prev commit
8 Years Ago
Reload bootstrap on quit, seems to be working OK now even without the transitional "unload" scene
8 Years Ago
Re-enabled Return To Territory in Human AI. It now checks if there is any territory.
8 Years Ago
Grabber now does 2 dmg before pulling but has 1 less range
8 Years Ago
Fixed passive AI in level 2 and 3
8 Years Ago
Gamma mode
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
Fixed game init routine bad scene name
8 Years Ago
delete jenkinsfile
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
Renaming all the things test jenkins file Typo Merge branch 'master' into Ian