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8 Years Ago
fixed the new errors
8 Years Ago
CommandBlock and combatchain rework :/
8 Years Ago
Overwrote baseball cap with player hair prefab and overwrote bandana and balaclava with player facial hair prefabs. Tested on craggy island map.
8 Years Ago
Lowered maxtickspersecond default value to 300 (from 1000) Increased maxpacketspersecond default value to 1500 (from 1000)
8 Years Ago
Fixed bad handling of game speeds
8 Years Ago
Some more work on STRIPS planner based npcs. They can now use cover more intelligently, will try to dodge when you aim at them, be more stressed about leaving their home base and do less hunting/chasing (feels more tactical when they prefer cover). Lacks idling atm.
8 Years Ago
Updated crimelog ui
8 Years Ago
Renaming all the things
8 Years Ago
Jenkinsfile b10 Scenes, proj ver Build settings Merge branch 'master' into Ian
8 Years Ago
Build settings
8 Years Ago
Scenes, proj ver
8 Years Ago
Block now does -1 damage not +1 ;)
8 Years Ago
Merge from main
8 Years Ago
wip combat chain / unitview fixes
8 Years Ago
terrain stuff
8 Years Ago
Tier 3 workbench: fbx/prefab/lods/gibs/textures/etc
8 Years Ago
removed exhausted anim paramater from worn out
8 Years Ago
Fixed Rust.Data error when building plugins somewhere other than Windows
8 Years Ago
Recreate empty client network group provider when leaving / reconnecting server
8 Years Ago
latest unity version
8 Years Ago
satellite stage invuln pixel updating satellite toggle invuln pixels
8 Years Ago
Added a transitional "unload" scene before reloading to Bootstrap. Quitting in editor is weird though, and 'unload' scene reappears, saying it's loading.
8 Years Ago
Cleaned up a bunch of statics that never got cleared correctly, causing weirdness and exceptions if quitting a game and rejoining on the client
8 Years Ago
Lots of little mix tweaks and sound polish
8 Years Ago
Fixed main menu UI. I broke the interaction accidentally by removing a reflection method it used.
8 Years Ago
Improved door interaction
8 Years Ago
canyon wip
8 Years Ago
Better, simpler interactions. And doesn't require things to be on the Interactable layer like in my test branch
8 Years Ago
Better interactions, but interactable colliders now MUST be on the Interactable or LootDrop layer. Have updated all the existing ones.
8 Years Ago
More song tweaks NPCs trigger music intensity changes less aggressively Max music volume is much more reasonable Separate in game and in menu music volume sliders Cleanup some old unused files
8 Years Ago
behaviour loop branching more laserunit attacks
8 Years Ago
New south road Various other things
8 Years Ago
Merge nav_generate from upstream CNavMesh::SampleStep won't return as completed until all walkable seeds have been visited
8 Years Ago
Oops compile error
8 Years Ago
Fixed skeletal mesh material and visible sections replication
8 Years Ago
More work on tracker
8 Years Ago
Logging to attempt to catch NRE in Wearables loading
8 Years Ago
merged back to main
8 Years Ago
Made game options screen accessible from the in-game options (escape) menu
8 Years Ago
Fully integrated the new payphone model
8 Years Ago
Fix hang on close
8 Years Ago
and removing it for now
8 Years Ago
checking in broken grabber damage code for later
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
turn off debug setting
8 Years Ago
dagger, big sword, new ai, bug fixes, more varied loot spawn, etc.
8 Years Ago
phonebox extras
8 Years Ago
merge from main
8 Years Ago
Fixes for menu buttons stopping standalone games working
8 Years Ago
Merge from main